Stephan-Boltzmann Law Help for Science Fair Project - Needed Now!

  • #1
Hello, I am in DIRE need of help with my science fair project and am completely stuck. All/most relevant information should be able to be found here:

1. I am stuck on number 7, "Now that you have the data, calculate the energy flow and the energy carried by the visible and infrared photons." The squares of construction paper were 4*4 inches. Data for the temperature is as follows (Celsius; Kelvin)
Red: 38.4; 311.4
Blue: 40.4; 313.4
Yellow: 37.4; 310.4
White: 36.6; 309.6
Black:45.1; 318.1
2. Its something to do with the Stephan-Boltzmann Law but I'm not entirely sure
3. I have no clue where to even BEGIN on a solution
Physics news on
  • #2
Anyone? :(
  • #3
I think you need to use P=σAT4, it gives you the energy flow from a surface with temperature T.
σ is Stefan–Boltzmann constant and is equal to 5.67x10-8 J/sm2K4

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