The right Curriculum for a Physics Master's Degree (Quantum Optics & Info)?

In summary, the conversation is about a student starting their M.Sc. in Physics in Germany, and their plan to focus on Quantum Information/Quantum Optics/Photonics. They are considering taking three theory courses, but have concerns about the lack of a second Quantum Mechanics course in their curriculum. They also mention their interest in doing a PhD in Quantum Information Science and their thoughts on the structure of graduate courses in Germany. Finally, there is a discussion about the relevance of different courses to their desired field of study.
  • #1
Hello everyone.

I'm starting my M.Sc. in Physics in the summer term. I'm studying in Germany and completed a standard programm in the bachelor programm which consisted of the obligatory courses like Quantum Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Statistical Mechanics and Mechanics.

I have to mention there is no obligation to take a second QM course in the Bachelor program at at least 80% of German universities. And so comes my situation:

I plan to go straight into Quantum Information/Quantum Optics/Photonics. I have the idea to take the following three theory courses (4 hours of lecture each) besides some courses in condensed matter physics and atomic physics and photonics:

- Many Body Theory (with nonrelativistic Quantum Field Theory parts)
- Theory of Quantum Information and Ultracold Atoms
- Introduction to QFT (Quantum Electrodynamics)

My questions:

1. Since Theoretical Quantum Optics is not offered every year, i decided to substitute it with Quantum Electrodynamics. Although it is offered by particle physicists, i think learning QED would be an option. I have the impression that QED is much more fundamental than Quantum Optics and therefore can offer a proper base for further studys of the interaction between light and matter. Am i right or should i wait for the Quantum Optics course?

2. I'm missing a second Quantum Mechanics course here. There is one which is offered every year, but there ist no time and free space left to do it, in my opinion. Considering that it deals with more old-fashioned themes like Scattering Theory and Dirac equation, i think i can skip it. But it stays a bad feeling about ist, because my education feels a bit incomplete without QM II. On the other hand, i have to focus and I don't really see how this course can be still useful when i take already two courses about modern Field Theory.

The other courses i want to take:

Condensed Matter Physics I and II
Atomic Physics I and II
Ultrafast Laser Physics
Photonics I to III
Introduction to Superconductivity
Semiconductor Physics
Quantum Computing
Open Quantum Systems and Dissipation

The aim is to build up a background for doing a PhD in Quantum Information Science with either a focus on optical or on condensed matter specializiation.

Maybe you can give me some advice whether these considerations make sense or not.
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  • #2
Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I have the opinion that the 1st year of master studies should be about advanced fundamental topics that every physicist at this level should learn.

It also might be that the structure of master degree vary a lot from country to country, but I suggest to not skip Graduate level courses on electrodynamics, statistical mechanics, and (non-relativistic) QM.
  • #3
Special graduate courses do not exist for Electrodynamics and Statistical Mechanics and Classical Mechanics in the German system.

Quantum mechanics II isn't also required for taking advanced courses.

I'm interested in scientific arguments why one should take it, since the themes of the lecture seems a bit isolated from the modern lectures. Who uses the old Scattering Theory and non field-theoretical-relativistic QM instead of QED today?
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  • #4
Cato92 said:
Special graduate courses do not exist for Electrodynamics and Statistical Mechanics and Classical Mechanics in the German system.

Well, that sounds weird. Since I'm not familiar with the german system, I will not comment any further.

Cato92 said:
Quantum mechanics II isn't also required for taking advanced courses.

I'm interested in scientific arguments why one should take it, since the themes of the lecture seems a bit isolated from the modern lectures. Who uses the old Scattering Theory and Nonrelativistic QM instead of QED today?

It is hard to say without knowing exactly what is covered in that course of QM II. I do agree that a graduate course on QM should not cover things like the Dirac equation and old scattering theory since those topics are too narrow to benefit a wide variety physicists.

Although, I have to say that no-relativistic QM is widely used from atomic physics to condensed matter. And the people I personally know that work on information theory hardly ever use QED.
  • #5
Ah, i meant non-field-theoretical Relativistic QM instead of non-relativistic QM, sorry. Of course I'm aware that non-relativistic QM ist still widely used in Physics.

The syllabus of QM II is:

Scattering Theory
Time dependent perturbation Theory
Introduction to Second QuantizationNothing about coherent states, entanglement or QM in phase space methods nor anything about path integrals.
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  • #6
Of the three courses you list only the middle one would be directly relevant if you want to work in QIP.
The QED used in particle physics is typically VERY different from what you would use in QIP (e.g. Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian etc), the latter will typically be covered in a QIP or quantum optics course.

Many-body physics typically deals with bulk solid-state; again not very useful if you want to work in QIP.

The syllabus for the QMII course looks more useful, with 3 of the 5 topics being directly relevant.

Note that I am NOT saying that you should only take courses that you think are "useful". Plans change and you never know exactly what you will end up doing.

Another course to consider if it is being offered would be a more general "advanced experiments" type course (sometimes offered at MSc levels). Knowing a bit more about acquiring, analysing and reporting on data is every useful even if you end up doing theory.,
  • #7
What other courses are available to you?
  • #8
f95toli said:
Of the three courses you list only the middle one would be directly relevant if you want to work in QIP.
The QED used in particle physics is typically VERY different from what you would use in QIP (e.g. Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian etc), the latter will typically be covered in a QIP or quantum optics course.

Many-body physics typically deals with bulk solid-state; again not very useful if you want to work in QIP.

The syllabus for the QMII course looks more useful, with 3 of the 5 topics being directly relevant.

Note that I am NOT saying that you should only take courses that you think are "useful". Plans change and you never know exactly what you will end up doing.

Another course to consider if it is being offered would be a more general "advanced experiments" type course (sometimes offered at MSc levels). Knowing a bit more about acquiring, analysing and reporting on data is every useful even if you end up doing theory.,

Yes, of course my favourite would be Theoretical Quantum Optics, which is offered only irregularly.

There is also an option to take a two semester course on Open Quantum Systems which deals heavily with density operators and phase space methods. Not directly Quantum Info, but some overlap with Quantum Optics.

I also plan to take as much from photonics as i can and also the Atomic Physics courses from the experimentalists. Also at least neighbouring to Quantum Optics.

The point of taking QED and MBT would be to learn general techniques for a broad profile in Theoretical Physics. And MBT at our university is not so heavily solid-state focused, there are other aspects too like Cold Quantum Gases.PS: Which are the 3 out of 5 you mentioned? Perturbation Theory and Second Quantization i guess. But the third?
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  • #9
Irishdoug said:
What other courses are available to you?

In the theory area only irregularly offered course like Theoretical Quantum Optics, Nonequlibrium Statistical Mechanics and some minor courses.

The interesting and available courses i have already mentioned, including a minor course about Quantum Computind and one about Open Quantum Systems.

A strong background in photonics and atomic physics in the experimental physics area is also my focus. "Experimental physics" doesn't mean lab work, but courses held by Professors of experimental groups. In Germany there exists still a relatively sharp distinction in the official course declaration, but some experimental courses can be quite mathematical too.
  • #10
Cato92 said:
I plan to go straight into Quantum Information/Quantum Optics/Photonics. I have the idea to take the following three theory courses (4 hours of lecture each) besides some courses in condensed matter physics and atomic physics and photonic

Are Quantum Optics and Photonics somehow distinct?
You will be working in a very narrow subset soon enough. Broaden your knowledge as much as possible. Also there are well taught courses and less well taught ones. That should be a decider sometimes.
  • #11
Cato92 said:
Yes, of course my favourite would be Theoretical Quantum Optics, which is offered only irregularly.

There is also an option to take a two semester course on Open Quantum Systems which deals heavily with density operators and phase space methods. Not directly Quantum Info, but some overlap with Quantum Optics.

Some knowledge about open quantum systems (Lindblad operators, Bloch-Redfield etc) is very useful for QIP.

The point of taking QED and MBT would be to learn general techniques for a broad profile in Theoretical Physics. And MBT at our university is not so heavily solid-state focused, there are other aspects too like Cold Quantum Gases.
That is fine, Just don't expect the courses to necessarily be relevant for QIP.

PS: Which are the 3 out of 5 you mentioned? Perturbation Theory and Second Quantization i guess. But the third?

Symmetries. It is one of the topics I wish I had attended a "formal" course in as an undegraduate; symmetries tend to pop up just about everywhere in QM.

FAQ: The right Curriculum for a Physics Master's Degree (Quantum Optics & Info)?

What courses should I take for a Physics Master's degree in Quantum Optics and Information?

The specific courses you should take for a Physics Master's degree in Quantum Optics and Information will vary depending on the program and university you attend. However, some common courses that are typically included in this type of program include quantum mechanics, optics, information theory, and statistical mechanics.

Is it necessary to have a background in both physics and computer science for this degree?

While it can be helpful to have a background in both physics and computer science for a Physics Master's degree in Quantum Optics and Information, it is not always necessary. Many programs offer courses that cover both disciplines, so students with a strong background in either physics or computer science can still succeed in this program.

What skills will I gain from a Physics Master's degree in Quantum Optics and Information?

Some of the skills you can expect to gain from a Physics Master's degree in Quantum Optics and Information include a deep understanding of quantum mechanics and optics, the ability to analyze and interpret data, and the skills to design and conduct experiments in the field of quantum information.

What career opportunities are available with this degree?

A Physics Master's degree in Quantum Optics and Information can lead to a variety of career opportunities in both academia and industry. Some common career paths include research positions in universities or government labs, as well as roles in industries such as telecommunications, quantum computing, and data security.

How can I prepare for a Physics Master's degree in Quantum Optics and Information?

To prepare for a Physics Master's degree in Quantum Optics and Information, it is recommended to have a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and computer science. It can also be beneficial to gain research experience and take courses related to quantum mechanics, optics, and information theory. Additionally, staying up-to-date on current developments and research in the field can also help you prepare for this degree.

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