The Universe filled with a "homogeneous perfect fluid"

In summary, Schutz's textbook discusses the replacement of ether by a "homogeneous perfect fluid" as a possible medium which fills the universe. The perfect fluid has nothing to do with the ether, which was an attempt to explain electromagnetism. It is still unclear what characteristics the proposed ether had that a homogeneous perfect fluid doesn't and vice versa. The perfect fluid is the empty space, matter, and radiation. It has been shown that you can have GR without a uniform density fluid, but you don't get the perfect FLRW solution. Our universe is not a perfect FLRW spacetime, although it's a decent approximation at large scales. There are other possible vacuum solutions to the Einstein Field Equations, but SR is a
  • #1
Gold Member
On page 353 of Schutz's textbook he writes the following:
As in earlier chapters, we idealize the universe as filled with a homogeneous perfect fluid.

So it seems that the ether is replaced by a "homogeneous perfect fluid".
It seems the medium which fills the universe is not ether but "homogeneous perfect fluid".
But in that case what characteristics did the proposed ether have that a homogeneous perfect fluid doesn't and vice versa?
So it seems that physics still needs a medium to fill the universe. I thought to myself that there's only empty space, matter and radiation.
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  • #2
A homogeneous perfect fluid just means all the matter/dark matter/radiation/dark energy in the universe, which is assumed to be uniform density and pressure everywhere and leads to the FLRW solution. If you perturb the uniformity a bit the perturbations grow and eventually form stars and galaxies in the overdense regions.

This has nothing to do with ether, which was an attempt to explain electromagnetism. You can have GR without a uniform density fluid, but you don't get the perfect FLRW solution. Our universe is, of course, not a perfect FLRW spacetime, although it's a decent approximation at large scales.
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  • #3
MathematicalPhysicist said:
On page 353 of Schutz's textbook he writes the following:So it seems that the ether is replaced by a "homogeneous perfect fluid".
It seems the medium which fills the universe is not ether but "homogeneous perfect fluid".
But in that case what characteristics did the proposed ether have that a homogeneous perfect fluid doesn't and vice versa?
So it seems that physics still needs a medium to fill the universe. I thought to myself that there's only empty space, matter and radiation.
The perfect fluid is the empty space, matter, and radiation. It has nothing to do with the ether.
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  • #4
Ibix said:
You can have GR without a uniform density fluid, but you don't get the perfect FLRW solution. Our universe is, of course, not a perfect FLRW spacetime, although it's a decent approximation at large scales.
What do you get instead?
  • #5
MathematicalPhysicist said:
What do you get instead?
Minkowski spacetime.
  • #6
BTW I have another question which is related to relativistic radiation.
Why is the equation of state for highly relativistic particles is of the form ##p=\frac{1}{3}\rho##?
Is there some sort of derivation of this form from something else?
  • #7
Dale said:
Minkowski spacetime.
This is the sapcetime of SR, surely not of a gravitational theory which globally doesn't look like the Minkowski spacetime.
  • #8
MathematicalPhysicist said:
This is the sapcetime of SR, surely not of a gravitational theory which globally doesn't look like the Minkowski spacetime.
It is also a vacuum solution to the Einstein Field Equations. It is a legitimate (though boring) spacetime for GR.
  • #9
MathematicalPhysicist said:
What do you get instead?
You can get a nonisotropic universe for example.
  • #10
MathematicalPhysicist said:
What do you get instead?
Minkowski, Schwarzschild, Kerr, Godel, Oppenheimer-Snyder... Or a less symmetric and more realistic spacetime. It depends what stress-energy distribution you decide to put in.
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  • #11
martinbn said:
You can get a nonisotropic universe for example.
Isn't it called anisotropic?
  • #12
If you start from the cosmological principle, i.e., a Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker spacetime, from the Einstein equations it is clear that the energy-momentum tensor is that of an ideal fluid. This is due to the maximal symmetry of this spacetime model. You are however still free to choose the equation of state, and indeed according to our current "Cosmological Standard Model", based on observations like the fluctuations of the cosmic micro-wave background radiation and redshift-distance relations for type-1 supernovae, we have a mixture of different ideal fluids in the universe: matter (the known "baryonic" matter and dark matter), radiation/photons, and dark energy, each with a specific equation of state.

Of course, that's only a much coarse-grained overall picture. The coarse graining needed to get a homogeneous and isotropic universe is over scales of around 250 Mio light years according to

Below that scale you have "structure formation", i.e., you must take into account the "local deviations" from homogeneity and isotropy as observed in the various structures on different scales like galaxy groups and (super)clusters, galaxies, etc.

and you have to model the "cosmic fluid" with more refined methods too like kinetic theory.
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  • #13
MathematicalPhysicist said:
This is the sapcetime of SR, surely not of a gravitational theory which globally doesn't look like the Minkowski spacetime.
SR is a special case of GR, so yes, GR includes Minkowski space as a possible vacuum solution.
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  • #14
Orodruin said:
SR is a special case of GR, so yes, GR includes Minkowski space as a possible vacuum solution.
How would we know which spacetime is ours?
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  • #15
MathematicalPhysicist said:
How would we know which spacetime is ours?
Same way as we learn anything in physics. Experimentation and observation. It is easy to lose track of the fact that physics is an empirical science in the midst of beautiful theories ...
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  • #16
Orodruin said:
Same way as we learn anything in physics. Experimentation and observation. It is easy to lose track of the fact that physics is an empirical science in the midst of beautiful theories ...
So what did we find?
I heard once that our universe is flat, i.e. ##k=0## but that's in Robertson-Walker metric; I assume there are other metrics where our universe can still be flat, don't we have such metrics?
  • #17
MathematicalPhysicist said:
So what did we find?
I heard once that our universe is flat, i.e. ##k=0## but that's in Robertson-Walker metric; I assume there are other metrics where our universe can still be flat, don't we have such metrics?
Not that satisfy the assumptions imposed by the cosmological principle.
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  • #18
The cosmological principle gets you the Friedmann equations and that gives you an FLRW universe. It matches observation (cosmological redshift, CMB) remarkably well on the large scale. It's catastrophically wrong on the small scale, (the universe is not homogeneous, as a quick glance around you will confirm) so we add perturbations to the uniformity so that over dense regions collapse and form structures.

You then go out and measure things like redshift versus distance, CMB fluctuations, galaxy distributions and other things. These give you values for the variables (like ##k##) in the models.
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  • #19
MathematicalPhysicist said:
BTW I have another question which is related to relativistic radiation.
Why is the equation of state for highly relativistic particles is of the form ##p=\frac{1}{3}\rho##?
Is there some sort of derivation of this form from something else?
Did everyone skipped my question in post number 6 in the quote above?
  • #20
MathematicalPhysicist said:
Did everyone skipped my question in post number 6 in the quote above?
These are my lecture notes on special relativity. Your question is treated in section 12.2.1.
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  • #21
MathematicalPhysicist said:
So what did we find?
I heard once that our universe is flat, i.e. ##k=0## but that's in Robertson-Walker metric; I assume there are other metrics where our universe can still be flat, don't we have such metrics?
Note that flat here is spatially flat, but the universe is still curved in spacetime.
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  • #22
Dale said:
Note that flat here is spatially flat, but the universe is still curved in spacetime.
So it's flat in the coordinates ##(x,y,z)## but curved in ##(t,x,y,z)##, am I correct?
I wonder, can the universe change to different spacetimes over the course of time?
In which case it can be at some times Minkowski at others Godel, etc.
I mean the universe might not have a constant metric which it acts all the time.
  • #23
  • #24
I think what Dale is referring to is that the the hypersurfaces orthogonal to ##\partial/\partial t## have spatial (intrinsic) curvature proportional to ##k/a^2##, but their extrinsic curvature ##K_{ij} = \dfrac{1}{2N}(\dot{h}_{ij} - D_i N_j - D_j N_i##) instead goes as ##H^2##.
  • #25
MathematicalPhysicist said:
So it's flat in the coordinates (x,y,z) but curved in (t,x,y,z), am I correct?
Yes, that is correct.

MathematicalPhysicist said:
I wonder, can the universe change to different spacetimes over the course of time?
No, spacetime includes all of time, so it cannot change to different spacetimes over time. However, you could have the situation where the shape of spacetime has certain easily identified features that are different along the time direction. Think for example of a solid that is a hemisphere attached to a cube.

Where we are considering “time” to be vertical and “space” to be horizontal slices. Then your “space” changes from 2D squares to 2D circles over 1D “time”. But the “spacetime” shape is the whole hemisphere+cube 3D shape.
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  • #26
MathematicalPhysicist said:
Did everyone skipped my question in post number 6 in the quote above?
For (interaction free) massless particles there is no scale in the description. Correspondingly the Lagrangian of the corresponding field theory is invariant under scaling transformations, and this implies through Emmy Noether's theory a conservation law, and the conservation law boils down to the fact that the covariant trace of the energy-momentum tensor of the field is 0, but this trace is ##T^{\mu}_{\nu}=\epsilon-3P=0##.
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  • #27
MathematicalPhysicist said:
I wonder, can the universe change to different spacetimes over the course of time?
Dale answered this, but i think that you may mean something else. You can have a spacetime, say with coordinates ##(t,x,y,z)## such that the portion with ##t<0## is Minkowski, an the rest is not. Or any number of changes like that. For isntance take the line element to be ##ds^2=-dt^2+a^2(t)(dx^2+dy^2+dz^2)##, where the function ##a(t)## is dentically 1 for negative ##t## and something complicateted for later time. Of course sich examples will violate the energy conditions and will be unrelistic, but there are such spacetimes.
  • #28
MathematicalPhysicist said:
So it seems that physics still needs a medium to fill the universe. I thought to myself that there's only empty space, matter and radiation.
You may be able to regard matter and radiation fill the universe though they are not homogeneous.
For an example the space is filled with cosmic background photons. quantum field of particles extends to all the universe.
  • #29
Orodruin said:
Same way as we learn anything in physics. Experimentation and observation. It is easy to lose track of the fact that physics is an empirical science in the midst of beautiful theories ...
physics is an empirical science in the midst of beautiful theories ...

Beautiful line

  • #30
MathematicalPhysicist said:
On page 353 of Schutz's textbook he writes the following:So it seems that the ether is replaced by a "homogeneous perfect fluid".
It seems the medium which fills the universe is not ether but "homogeneous perfect fluid".
But in that case what characteristics did the proposed ether have that a homogeneous perfect fluid doesn't and vice versa?
So it seems that physics still needs a medium to fill the universe. I thought to myself that there's only empty space, matter and radiation.
Yes, it's a hypothesis. It appears it has many qualities of superfluid He3.
  • #31
Well, it applies in a very coarse-grained sense. You have to average over spatial volumes of some 250 Mio. light years:

It's not a superfluid, but the "energy content" consists (according to nowadays "concordance model") of 30% of heavy particles ("cold"/"non-relativistic") (25% are "dark matter" made of yet unknown particles and about 5% is made up of the known standard-model particles). The remaining 70% is "dark energy", describable by a cosmological constant, which is the most enigmatic component.

FAQ: The Universe filled with a "homogeneous perfect fluid"

1. What is a homogeneous perfect fluid in the context of the universe?

A homogeneous perfect fluid is a theoretical model used in cosmology to describe the distribution of matter and energy in the universe. It is assumed to have uniform density and pressure throughout, and is often used as a simplification to study the large-scale structure of the universe.

2. How does the presence of a homogeneous perfect fluid affect the expansion of the universe?

The presence of a homogeneous perfect fluid can contribute to the expansion of the universe through its energy density and pressure. In the early universe, this fluid was thought to have played a significant role in driving the rapid expansion known as inflation. In the current universe, the presence of a homogeneous perfect fluid can influence the rate of expansion and the overall geometry of the universe.

3. Is the universe actually filled with a homogeneous perfect fluid?

The concept of a homogeneous perfect fluid is a theoretical model used to simplify our understanding of the universe. While it can accurately describe certain aspects of the universe, it is not a complete representation of reality. The universe is much more complex and is filled with various forms of matter and energy, not just a single homogeneous perfect fluid.

4. How does the concept of a homogeneous perfect fluid relate to dark energy?

Dark energy is a theoretical form of energy that is thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe. In some models, dark energy is described as a homogeneous perfect fluid with negative pressure. This negative pressure is thought to counteract the gravitational pull of matter, causing the universe to expand at an accelerated rate.

5. Can a homogeneous perfect fluid explain the structure and behavior of the universe?

A homogeneous perfect fluid is a simplified model that can help us understand certain aspects of the universe, such as the large-scale structure and expansion. However, it is not a complete explanation and is often combined with other theories and observations to form a more comprehensive understanding of the universe.

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