Thermodynamic potential question,help

In summary, the conversation is about a question regarding constructing an expression for dU and generating new thermodynamic potentials with different variables. The participants are struggling to understand the question and are discussing possible solutions. They suggest using the four basic potentials as a starting point.
  • #1
i have studied my lecture notes back to front and looked high and low for a clue how to do this question but i tried in a) constructing an expression for u and came up with DU= +TDS -PDV - FDL BAUT I COULD BE MILES OUT. could anyone help.


here it goes:

A piece of rubber of length L is subject to work by a hydrostatic pressure P and also
by a tensional force F.

a)Construct the expression for dU.
[Hint: the usual expression will have an extra term added to it corresponding
to the increment of work performed by F

b)Generate (i.e. invent new) thermodynamic potentials that have as proper vari-
ables (S; V; F); (S; P; F) and (T; P; F).
[Note: the potential R has (S; V; F) as proper variables if dR = xdS+ydV +zdF
where x; y; z are to be found.]
Physics news on
  • #2
you can't think of three thermo equations with variables (S; V; F); (S; P; F) and (T; P; F)?
  • #3
for example could it be DR =TDS + PDV + LDF FOR (SVF), AND FOR (SPF) DN = TDS + VDP + LDF ? I am just not sure what question means that's all, can anyone help?
  • #4
i suppose they want you to derive new (invent new?) potentials, but I would go ahead and use internal energy change and say
dU = dQ - dW
dQ = TdS
dW = PdV +ldf
now dU = TdS - (PdV + LdF)

stick to something basic and use the four potentials (internal, hemholtz, gibbs, and enthalpy) as a basis.

FAQ: Thermodynamic potential question,help

What is thermodynamic potential?

Thermodynamic potential is a mathematical concept used in thermodynamics to determine the maximum amount of useful work that can be extracted from a given system at a constant temperature and pressure.

What types of thermodynamic potentials are there?

There are several types of thermodynamic potentials, including internal energy, enthalpy, Helmholtz free energy, and Gibbs free energy. Each one is used to describe a different aspect of a thermodynamic system.

How is thermodynamic potential calculated?

The calculation of thermodynamic potential depends on the specific type being used. Internal energy is calculated by summing up the kinetic and potential energies of all particles in a system, while enthalpy is calculated as internal energy plus the product of pressure and volume. Helmholtz free energy is calculated by subtracting the product of temperature and entropy from internal energy, and Gibbs free energy is calculated by subtracting the product of temperature and entropy from enthalpy.

How is thermodynamic potential useful in practical applications?

Thermodynamic potential is useful in predicting the behavior of a system and determining the conditions for maximum efficiency. It is commonly used in fields such as chemical engineering, material science, and energy production.

What are the limitations of using thermodynamic potential?

Thermodynamic potential calculations assume that a system is in equilibrium, and may not accurately predict the behavior of systems that are far from equilibrium. Additionally, they do not take into account factors such as external influences or non-ideal conditions.
