Tips on becoming or starting out as a Mechanical Engieer.

In summary: Yes, Georgia Tech, UT Longhorns, UF, NC State, and University of Houston are all good schools to attend for automotive engineering.
  • #1
Hey guys, I need some help and I hope you all will be able to assist me. I dream just like everyone on this forum to one day become an engineer (concentration - Automotive Sector). I'm 15 years of age and presently I have no means of true hands on exposure to the field, are there any tips, suggestions any of you could recommend for me to gain this much needed exposure?? Any product or kit anything i could save and purchase, any goods, books just anything I can do read to help me gain some knowledge in the field.

Thanks for all your help and suggestions in advance!

PS. - I know what an automotive engineer does and I'm positive I will find it interesting once given the chance to experience it. My dream is to one day be able to say i contributed heavily to a successful car on the road. Thanks again!
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  • #2
Get good grades in high school to be accepted into a university. Go for a bachelor of science degree in ME. best way to go about it
  • #3
At your age you are hardly expected to have any kinds of hands on experience that could count. Simply concentrate on your high school, make sure you have taken appropriate college prep courses and get accepted to an ABET accredited (very important) school program.

If you really want to be inclined towards automotive, you can use some spare time and simply learn about modern cars. You don't need an engineering degree for that. Doing so will give you a better foundation to build on.
  • #4
I coop'ed at an automotive engineering position. You'd be surprised how boring it was. I guess for that matter you'd be surprised how boring coops were.

Either way, for god sakes man keep mind of your units. Learn the difference between lbm and lbf, or just use slugs and be done with it. That's my advice.
  • #5
Thank you all for your replies.
Any other suggestions anyone else??
  • #7
Get some hands-on experience with vehicles, stick at your maths and sciences, keep up to date with modern advances, and be prepared to work your tits off (school, university, and then at work).
  • #8
Thanks anything else guys?
Anything I could buy etc..
  • #9
Maths books (Stroud is good for Engineering)? Bosch Automotive Handbook? Haywood's Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals?
  • #10
Ahhh thanks brewnog that is what I need, those books look good. I just searched for them on
  • #11
First and foremost, work on your present coursework, extracurriculars, etc so you will be accepted into a good college. Second, choose a good college/university that has a good reputation in automotive engineering. A school that is heavily involved in competitions such as the Automotive X Prize, Formula SAE, Challenge X, etc, would be, in my opinion, the best because these will give you all the hands on experience and training you could possibly need - above what any class will teach you. Automotive companies actively recruit from these programs. Finally, you can start reading books. I can second "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals" (Heywood); I still reference my copy sometimes.
  • #12
Thanks, schools like.. Georgia tech, UT longhorns, UF, NC state and University Houston any good?