- #1
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Hello! I have a 2-level system, with the resonant frequency ##\omega_0## in a thermal bath, by which I mean that I have photons with mean frequency and standard deviation of frequency at a temperature ##T## given by:
$$<\omega> = \sigma_\omega = \frac{\pi^2}{6}\frac{k_B T}{\hbar}$$
I can assume that ##|\omega_0 - <\omega>| << \omega_0##. If I start in the ground state and I assume I am in the perturbative regime (i.e. only a very small population gets transferred to the excited state), how can I calculate the population transfer to the excited state as a function of time?
$$<\omega> = \sigma_\omega = \frac{\pi^2}{6}\frac{k_B T}{\hbar}$$
I can assume that ##|\omega_0 - <\omega>| << \omega_0##. If I start in the ground state and I assume I am in the perturbative regime (i.e. only a very small population gets transferred to the excited state), how can I calculate the population transfer to the excited state as a function of time?