Understanding the Group and Particle Velocities in Relativistic Wave Mechanics

In summary, the dispersion relation for an electron in relativistic wave mechanics relates the frequency and wave vector to the speed of light, electron mass, and Planck's constant. By using implicit differentiation, it can be shown that the product of the group velocity and particle velocity is equal to the speed of light squared. This means that the group velocity can be interpreted as the particle velocity in this case. The given expression for the electron velocity only applies in the non-relativistic limit.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In relativistic wave mechanics the dispersion relation for an electron of velocity [tex]v=\frac{\hbar k}{m}[/tex] is given by [tex]\frac{\omega ^2}{c^2}=k^2 + \frac{m^2 c^2}{\hbar ^2}[/tex] where c is the velocity of light, m is the electron mass (considered constant at a given velocity) [tex]\hbar=\frac{h}{2\pi}[/tex] and h is Planck's constant.

Show that the product of the group and particle velocities is [tex]c^2[/tex]

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

From the dispersion relation I got

[tex]\frac{\omega ^2}{c^2}=k^2 + \frac{m^2 c^2}{\hbar ^2}[/tex]
[tex]\omega = c\sqrt{k^2 + \frac{m^2c^2}{\hbar ^2}}[/tex]

so that


[tex]v_g=\frac{d}{dk}(c\sqrt{k^2 + \frac{m^2c^2}{\hbar ^2}})[/tex]

[tex]v_g=\frac{ck}{\sqrt{k^2 + \frac{m^2c^2}{\hbar ^2}}}[/tex]

But this answer, multiplied with the particle velocity will obviously not give c^2. What am I missing?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Anybody? :smile:
  • #3
you got the same problem as me. I did notice that the particle velosity was the velosity about equilibrim position not through the medium (cant remember the page no. Waves and Vibrations). but I didnt get much further. also try wikipedia
  • #4
Try using implicit differentiation on your dispersion relation:

\frac{2 \omega}{c^2} d\omega = 2 k \dk
\Rightarrow \frac{d\omega} {dk} \frac{\omega}{k} = c^2

[tex] d\omega/dk[/tex] is the group velocity and [tex] \omega/k [/tex] is the phase velocity. The product of the two is [tex] c^2 [/tex].
  • #5
Ye gods! I have a bite! :biggrin:

Thank you kindly for the reply gravityandlev, but I'm afraid you'll have to dumb it down for me a bit please. I'm not sure I follow... :confused:
  • #6
Sorry. I gave a quick, unhelpful reply, and it had a typo in it to boot.

I meant that you could start with your relation between frequency [tex] \omega [/tex] and wavevector [tex] k [/tex] (which we usually call the "dispersion relation"):
\frac{\omega ^2}{c^2}=k^2 + \frac{m^2 c^2}{\hbar ^2}

and do an implicit differentiation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implicit_differentiation#Implicit_differentiation). That's where you take the derivative of all terms containing [tex] \omega [/tex] with respect to [tex] \omega [/tex] and all terms containing [tex] k [/tex] with respect to [tex] k [/tex].

That way [tex] \omega^2 [/tex] becomes [tex] 2 \omega d\omega [/tex] and [tex] k^2 [/tex] becomes [tex] 2 k dk [/tex]. The constant term [tex] \frac{m^2 c^2}{\hbar ^2} [/tex] does not contribute to the derivative.

So implicit differentiation of your dispersion relation gives
\frac{2 \omega}{c^2} d\omega = 2 k dk

and you can rearrange to get
\Rightarrow \frac{d\omega} {dk} \frac{\omega}{k} = c^2 .

The quantity [tex] d\omega/dk [/tex] is your group velocity. The term [tex] \omega/k [/tex] is called the "phase velocity". It is the velocity at which a single wave of frequency [tex] \omega [/tex] and wave vector [tex] k [/tex] would propagate. So in this case you interpret it as the particle velocity.
  • #7
Thank you so much for your help! I would never have got this from my textbook alone...

Two last questions though if I may:

1. Does this mean that the part "...an electron of velocity [tex]v=\frac{\hbar k}{m}[/tex]" really contributes nothing to the question?

2. How would the particle velocity as derived by your method be related to this given electron velocity?
  • #8
The phrasing of the question actually seems a little wrong to me. Generally what we call the "group velocity" actually IS the velocity a particle would move at.

The expression [tex] v = \hbar k/m [/tex] is only true in the non-relativistic limit (take your expression above for [tex] v_g [/tex] and consider the limit [tex] \hbar^2 k^2 << m^2 c^2 [/tex]).
  • #9
Cheers for the help gravityandlev! Have a great day!

FAQ: Understanding the Group and Particle Velocities in Relativistic Wave Mechanics

What is the difference between group and particle velocities?

The group velocity refers to the speed at which the overall wave energy of a group of particles is moving, while the particle velocity refers to the speed at which individual particles in the group are moving. Group velocity takes into account the behavior of the entire group, while particle velocity focuses on the motion of individual particles.

How are group and particle velocities related to each other?

The relationship between group and particle velocities is described by the dispersion relation, which is a mathematical relationship that determines the wave speed based on the properties of the medium and the frequency of the wave. In general, the group velocity is equal to the particle velocity multiplied by the number of particles in the group.

Can the group velocity be greater than the particle velocity?

Yes, the group velocity can be greater than the particle velocity. This can occur when the particles in a group are moving in different directions or at different speeds, resulting in an overall group velocity that is different from the individual particle velocities. This is commonly seen in waves such as ocean waves, where the group velocity can be much faster than the individual wave crests.

How do group and particle velocities affect wave behavior?

The group and particle velocities play a crucial role in determining the properties of waves. For example, the group velocity affects the rate at which a wave packet travels and the dispersion of the wave, while the particle velocity affects the amplitude and frequency of the wave. Understanding these velocities is important in various fields such as acoustics, optics, and fluid dynamics.

How do these velocities change in different mediums?

The group and particle velocities can change in different mediums based on the properties of the medium, such as density and elasticity. In general, the group velocity will decrease in denser mediums and increase in less dense mediums, while the particle velocity will depend on the type of wave and the properties of the medium. Additionally, the presence of obstacles or boundaries can also affect these velocities.
