Variation of Hubble constant in model universe

In summary, the problem at hand involves considering a universe with k=0 and a dominant density component for most of the expansion. The question requires finding a ratio of scale factors between the present and a given time in the past, but this can be done either by using a given value for t_1 and estimating t_0 or by using the value of H_0. There are concerns about using the consensus value for H_0, given that the universe is only approximately spatially flat and the approximation of radiation leading to most of the expansion. However, using a direct measurement value for H_0 may be a suitable solution.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For a problem I'm doing, I am considering a universe in which k=0, and I'm told that I can consider most of the expansion to have happened during a phase when only one of the density parameters was dominant (I know which one, as well), but I don't know the scale factor or the critical density.
The density is dominated for most of the expansion by one component only, so I know how the scale factor varies with time (to a good approximation). I've completed what is required of me in the question but I can only get the answer in terms of H_0.

Now, my question is: do you think it is appropriate to use the consensus value for H_0 in our universe? It worries me because our universe is not k=0 (but only approximately spatially flat) and also the approximation of radiation leading to most of the expansion is also an approximation. Or am I worrying about nothing as the answer isn't required to a great level of precision?
Thanks in advance

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
It's very appropriate to use the "direct" measurement value, for example This is based on distance laddering up to supernovae, and is fairly independent of any cosmological assumptions.

I wouldn't use the Planck value though, as that has much more modelling baggage hidden behind it.
  • #3
Thanks, that might be the way to go. What I'm asked for in the question is a ratio of scale factors, between now and a given time in the past t_1 (for which I don't know the redshift). I can use the given value of t_1 but then I need to make an estimate of t_0, or I can get the answer in terms of H_0, as I mentioned. If I compare the answers using these two approaches, they are wildly different. I think perhaps using the value of t_0 in our universe is inappropriate, but if only I could work out how to get a numerical answer not involving H_0 or t_0...

FAQ: Variation of Hubble constant in model universe

What is the Hubble Constant and why is it important in a model universe?

The Hubble Constant is a measure of the rate at which the universe is expanding. It is important in a model universe because it helps scientists understand the overall structure and evolution of the universe.

How does the Hubble Constant vary in a model universe?

In a model universe, the Hubble Constant can vary over time due to factors such as the density of matter and dark energy. It can also vary in different regions of the universe.

What evidence suggests that the Hubble Constant may vary in a model universe?

Observations of distant supernovae, the cosmic microwave background, and the large-scale structure of the universe have all provided evidence that the Hubble Constant may vary in a model universe.

How does the variation of the Hubble Constant impact our understanding of the universe?

The variation of the Hubble Constant can have a significant impact on our understanding of the universe. It can affect our understanding of the age and size of the universe, the amount of dark energy present, and the rate of expansion.

What are some current theories about the variation of the Hubble Constant in a model universe?

Some theories propose that the Hubble Constant may vary due to the effects of dark energy or the presence of unknown forms of matter. Others suggest that it may be a result of a more complex model of the universe, such as a multiverse.
