- #1
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Homework Statement
The two particles are confined to a 1D infinite potential well both have spin up.
the spin part of the wavepacket is thus: |arrowup,arrowup>
I need to write the wavepacket of the ground state
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
1. spatial part:
2.spin part:
i know that total spin will be 1 as well as the angular part since they both add up but I'm not sure how to write this.
3. wavefunction=spatialXspin
i think i understand that the phyics here is that measurments of H will give me twice the ground state of each particles, of L^2 of the eigenvalue of l=1/2+1/2=1 and of spin S=1.
The spatial part has to be Anstisymetric as well since it's fermions and the spin part if symmetric, but as far as writing an actual solution I'm kinda lost in all the algebra. some help would be appretiated.