What does Weinberg–Witten theorem want to express?

  • Thread starter Ganesh Ujwal
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In summary, the Weinberg-Witten theorem states that massless particles with spin ##j > 1/2## cannot carry a Lorentz-covariant current, while those with spin ##j > 1## cannot carry a Lorentz-covariant stress-energy. This means that the graviton, with a spin of ##j = 2##, cannot be a composite particle in a relativistic quantum field theory. The theorem also does not rule out emergent gravity theories such as Sakharov's, where the emergence is from quantum corrections rather than composite particles.
  • #1
Ganesh Ujwal
Weinberg-Witten theorem states that massless particles (either composite or elementary) with spin ##j > 1/2## cannot carry a Lorentz-covariant current, while massless particles with spin ##j > 1## cannot carry a Lorentz-covariant stress-energy. The theorem is usually interpreted to mean that the graviton (##j = 2##) cannot be a composite particle in a relativistic quantum field theory.

While the argument is so strong and weird, how is it possible? Why can we not construct a theory which is massless charged vector field and therefore carry a Lorentz-covariant current ? And although we assume the second argument is right, which says massless particles with spin ##j > 1## cannot carry a Lorentz-covariant stress-energy, how does it imply that the graviton (##j = 2##) cannot be a composite particle ?
  • #3
The Weinberg-Witten theorem implies that the graviton is not composite, because quantum fields usually have Lorentz-covariant stress-energy, and composite particles made from such fields will also have Lorentz-covariant stress-energy.

There is an interesting note in the Weinberg-Witten paper that the theorem does not exclude emergent gravity approaches like Sakharov's, because there the emergence is from quantum corrections, and not from composite particles.
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FAQ: What does Weinberg–Witten theorem want to express?

What is the Weinberg-Witten theorem?

The Weinberg-Witten theorem, also known as the Coleman-Mandula theorem, is a mathematical theorem in theoretical physics that states that the only possible symmetries of a quantum field theory with a mass gap are internal symmetries, such as gauge symmetries, and spacetime symmetries, such as translations and rotations.

What does the Weinberg-Witten theorem prove?

The Weinberg-Witten theorem proves that in quantum field theories with a mass gap, there can only be internal and spacetime symmetries. This means that there can be no other types of symmetries, such as symmetries between different particles or symmetries that mix together different types of particles.

How does the Weinberg-Witten theorem relate to the Standard Model of particle physics?

The Weinberg-Witten theorem is an important result in particle physics and has implications for the Standard Model. It helps to explain why certain symmetries, such as supersymmetry, are not observed in nature. It also provides a theoretical basis for the existence of fundamental particles, such as the Higgs boson.

Why is the Weinberg-Witten theorem important in physics?

The Weinberg-Witten theorem is important because it helps to understand the fundamental symmetries of the laws of nature. It also provides a framework for building theories of particle interactions and helps to rule out certain types of theories that are not consistent with the observed behavior of particles.

Can the Weinberg-Witten theorem be applied to all quantum field theories?

While the Weinberg-Witten theorem is a fundamental result in theoretical physics, it does have limitations. It only applies to quantum field theories with a mass gap, which means it cannot be applied to theories that do not have a mass gap, such as quantum gravity. Additionally, the theorem assumes certain mathematical conditions, so it may not apply to all possible theories.

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