What Maps Induce Isomorphisms on Lower but Not Higher Homology Groups?

  • Thread starter Bacle
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In summary, you are looking for examples of maps f:X-->X where X is a Euclidean space and the induced map on the first k homology groups is not an isomorphism. You may be able to find examples using Cartesian products of spheres with other manifolds.
  • #1
Hi, All:

I am curious to find examples of maps f:X-->X ; X an n-dimensional manifold

that induce isomorphisms on , say, the first k<n homology groups, but not

so on the remaining n-k groups. I can see if we had maps g:X-->Y, we could start

with Y=X, let f be an automorphism, and then cap some boundaries of X, i.e., all j-

boundaries for j>k , but not so for maps f:X-->X . Any Ideas?


others, so that the induced maps on H_k(X) are not isomorphsims
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  • #2
Hint: "skeleton".
  • #3

I guess you're suggesting some obstruction theory issues; spin structure, etc?

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find much in this area from a geometric

perspective; most of the info nowadays seems to be done in terms of abstract

obstruction theory, spin structures, etc. Still, I ordered Steenrod's book on the

geometry of bundles from the library recently. Is this what you were referring to?
  • #4
Bacle said:
Hi, All:

I am curious to find examples of maps f:X-->X ; X an n-dimensional manifold

that induce isomorphisms on , say, the first k<n homology groups, but not

so on the remaining n-k groups. I can see if we had maps g:X-->Y, we could start

with Y=X, let f be an automorphism, and then cap some boundaries of X, i.e., all j-

boundaries for j>k , but not so for maps f:X-->X . Any Ideas?


others, so that the induced maps on H_k(X) are not isomorphsims

Take any map of degree higher than one from a sphere to itself. Using Cartesian products of spheres with other manifolds I think you should be able to get all of the examples except iso up to dimension n-1 and not iso in the top dimension. Cartesian product of spheres with tori should do it.
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  • #5
, but the induced maps on H_j(X) for j>k are isomorphisms. One example is the map f:S^2 --> S^2 given by f(x,y,z) = (-x,-y,z). This map induces an isomorphism on H_1(S^2) but not on H_2(S^2). Another example is the map g:T^2 --> T^2 (a torus) given by g(x,y) = (2x,2y). This map induces an isomorphism on H_1(T^2) but not on H_2(T^2). In general, any map that induces an isomorphism on H_k(X) but not on H_j(X) for j>k can be constructed by composing a map that induces an isomorphism on H_k(X) with a boundary map that removes some higher homology groups.

FAQ: What Maps Induce Isomorphisms on Lower but Not Higher Homology Groups?

What is an induced map on homology?

An induced map on homology is a mathematical concept that describes the relationship between two topological spaces, often referred to as the "domain" and "target" spaces. It is a way of mapping the homology groups of one space onto the homology groups of another space, using continuous functions between the two spaces.

How is an induced map on homology calculated?

An induced map on homology is calculated by first defining a continuous function between the two topological spaces. This function is then used to map the cycles and boundaries of the domain space onto the cycles and boundaries of the target space. The induced map on homology is then defined as the linear transformation between the homology groups of the two spaces.

What is the significance of induced maps on homology?

Induced maps on homology are significant because they allow for the comparison of topological spaces using algebraic tools. By mapping the homology groups of one space onto another, we can better understand the relationship between the two spaces and make inferences about their properties.

Can an induced map on homology be used to determine if two spaces are homeomorphic?

Yes, an induced map on homology can be used to determine if two spaces are homeomorphic. If an induced map between two spaces is an isomorphism, then the two spaces are homeomorphic. However, it is important to note that an induced map on homology is not always a sufficient condition for determining homeomorphism.

Are there any limitations to using induced maps on homology?

Yes, there are limitations to using induced maps on homology. One limitation is that they only work for spaces that have a homology theory. Additionally, induced maps may not capture all of the topological information of a space, as they only consider the homology groups and not other topological invariants.
