Where to get some VIS block, NIR pass plastic sheets?

  • #1
I'm talking about nealy black plstic in front of some remote controls to add to my similar DIY device.


I found some plexiglass that does this (blocks visible light, let's NIR pass) but the thinnest is 2mm so I don't think it is usable for this because is pointlessly thick. https://www.eplastics.com/plexiglass/acrylic-sheets/ir-transmitting/custitem19/Black

Personally don't care what plastic it will be just need something thin (1mm or less, up to 0.2mm thin) and not strongly red tinted and also not a film but sheet as the former is very prone to scratching and bends too much. What am I looking for and where can I buy some?

I prefer to buy sheets from plastic suppliers because the optical component sellers such as Edmund or Thorlabs charge a lot for simple stuff like this. It makes sense to pay extra for quality for other stuff such as lenses or similar optical components but not this in my oinion.

So any ideas what kind of plastic sheet am I looking for and where to get some?
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  • #2
nwytg said:
I found some plexiglass that does this (blocks visible light, let's NIR pass) but the thinnest is 2mm so I don't think it is usable for this because is pointlessly thick. https://www.eplastics.com/plexiglass/acrylic-sheets/ir-transmitting/custitem19/Black
You might try calling eplastics' Customer Service to ask if they have thinner stock, or know of another supplier who has it if they don't offer it.
  • #3
berkeman said:
You might try calling eplastics' Customer Service to ask if they have thinner stock, or know of another supplier who has it if they don't offer it.
Already checked, they can't help with either.
  • #4
Hmm, could you use standard plexiglass of the thickness you want, and apply a thin filter film to the inside? Do you need scratch resistance on both sides?
  • #5
I don't, but do let me know if you managed to find a seller of adhesive ir pass films
  • #6
If you have some shop around where you can check the sheets/samples manually then it's just a CR2032, an IR led and a smartphone to check the IR transparency.
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