Which Science Song Parody Won the 2018 Biotechniques Contest?

  • #1
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2024 Award
Biotechniques magazine does a song parody contest each year.
https://www.future-science.com/btn/labgrammy it is for this year.
Not all songs are created equal.
IMHO the best three are:
NeuroTransmissions: "Get Data"; fun in the lab stuff
A Capella Science: "Evo-Devo"; about Evo-Devo (Evolutionary Development)
Everyday Science: "Pi, Pi, Pi"; about Pi
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Likes scottdave and Ygggdrasil
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Nice, I listened to a couple already and they're pretty humorous.
  • #3
Some of them are very well made, It would take most people a while to realize they are parodies (unless they paid close attention to the lyrics).
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Likes jedishrfu
  • #4
Really enjoyed Get Data and Pi, Pi Pi. Very well done. :woot: