Recent content by EtherealMonkey

  1. E

    Maple Unexpected result in Maple (fsolve returns negative value)

    Sorry, I don't know what photobucket did to my png. Here is the same image in PDF format (only marginally better - IMHO, but it is readable w/zoom :smile: )
  2. E

    Maple Unexpected result in Maple (fsolve returns negative value)

    Okay, here is a screen-shot of Maple with the problem loaded. The issue that I am inquiring about occurs at Step #9 on the image below. As I stated in the first post, I am re-working this problem and cannot determine why I was able to find f(a)=13524.29951 when I originally worked the problem...
  3. E

    Maple Unexpected result in Maple (fsolve returns negative value)

    This is a problem that I am working on in Maple 12. I have assigned the Differential Equation and the Initial Values for the two parts. Then, I assigned the result to a variable before splitting off the two functions that return from dsolve. Plotting the first function and the initial...
  4. E

    Separable D.E., Nonlinear in terms of y(x) after integration

    So, this is where I am stuck: ln\left(y\right)+y^{2} = \sin{x}+c_{0} I am confrused... :blushing:
  5. E

    Statics - Moment using scalar analysis

    Homework Statement Homework Equations I think that I need to find the moment of the force F about the line BC first. Then, using that moment, find the "projection" of M_{BC} onto the X axis to find the answer. M_{BC}\sin \left(45^{o}\right) However, I am not getting anything...
  6. E

    Separable D.E., Partial Fractions

    Yes, thank you very much! Sorry for the late response, I just got on campus. Now, got to go take a test, wish me much success! Thanks again Mark!
  7. E

    Separable D.E., Partial Fractions

    This is what I have done so far... P\left(t\right)\frac{d}{dt}=P\left(t\right)-P\left(t\right)^{2} P\left(t\right)\frac{d}{dt}=P\left(t\right)\left(1-P\left(t\right)\right) \frac{1}{P\left(t\right)}dP=\left(1-P\left(t\right)\right)dt \int \frac{1}{P\left(t\right)}dP= \int dt - \int...
  8. E

    Separable D.E., Partial Fractions

    Please? I know this may seem so obvious. And, in fact a great deal of my trouble in D.E. so far can be summarized by my "not seeing the forest for the trees". So, any hint would probably get me going...
  9. E

    Separable D.E., Partial Fractions

    Homework Statement \frac{dP}{dt}=P-P^{2} It seems that Partial Fractions should be used to solve this D.E., but I cannot find an example to go by. I even tried to rewrite the equation as: \frac{d}{dx}Y\left(x\right)=Y\left(x\right)-Y\left(x\right)^{2} But, that isn't helping me...
  10. E

    Can Non-Linear Separable Differential Equations Be Solved?

    Yeah, my CalIII is killing me... Thanks for the response. I hope the next time I have a question, it will be a good one :redface:
  11. E

    Can Non-Linear Separable Differential Equations Be Solved?

    Okay, never-mind... Problem: \frac{dy}{dx}+2xy^{2}=0 Solution: \frac{dy}{dx}=-\left(2xy^{2}\right) \left(\frac{1}{y^{2}}\right)\frac{dy}{dx}=-2x \int\frac{1}{y^{2}} dy=-2\int x dx y=\frac{1}{x^{2}+C_{1}}
  12. E

    Can Non-Linear Separable Differential Equations Be Solved?

    Homework Statement \frac{dy}{dx}+2xy^{2}=0 I am stuck on this. I realize that this is a non-linear exact equation, but I just cannot wrap my mind around any type of method to attack this one. TIA for any help
  13. E

    Well, I thought it was going to be easy.

    I started to try to solve this myself and drew the same on paper. Thanks for posting the link with the method for solution. I couldn't figure it out either.
  14. E

    Statics - Coplanar Force Systems

    The problem statement: My relevant equation: \phi will be the angle between the X axis and F_{CO} \theta = \phi + \arcsin\left(\frac{3}{5}\right) My attempt at a solution: \Sigma F_{x} = 0: F_{CO}\cos\phi - F_{BO}\frac{4}{5} = 0 F_{CO} = \frac{F_{BO}\frac{4}{5}}{\cos\phi} \Sigma F_{y} =...