Recent content by jbar18

  1. J

    Propagation of uncertainty from wavenumber to wavelength

    Hi, This is just a quick question. If wavenumber is a variable with some standard deviation Δk, how do I propagate this spread when converting from wavenumber to wavelength? Is it just 2π/Δk or is it more complex than that? Thanks
  2. J

    Why Does Bernoulli's Equation Seem Incorrect for a Rotating Fluid in a Bucket?

    Hi TSny, I imagined those streamlines would exist in a plane of constant z. I wondered about the constants, is that the flaw in the logic? Given that this method doesn't work, how might we go about finding the shape of the fluid surface? Thanks for your reply
  3. J

    Why Does Bernoulli's Equation Seem Incorrect for a Rotating Fluid in a Bucket?

    Homework Statement What is wrong with the following argument from Bernoulli's equation? Suppose a fluid in a bucket is rotating under gravity with constant angular velocity W so that velocity is: u = (-\Omega y,\Omega x, 0). Then: \frac{P}{\rho} + \frac{u^2}{2} + gz = constant...
  4. J

    Weak Localization, Anderson Localization and disorder

    Can anyone tell me if there is a rigorous definition of disorder or not (or localization, for that matter)? At the moment I am working on the assumption that they are kind of hand wavy concepts.
  5. J

    Weak Localization, Anderson Localization and disorder

    Having looked back at my question, I feel that the first part was poorly asked. I will try to be more specific. As I understand, Anderson localization is the absence of diffusion of waves caused by disordered boundary conditions. This translates to waves exponentially decaying away from points...
  6. J

    Weak Localization, Anderson Localization and disorder

    Hey, I was wondering if anybody could give me a brief overview (if possible) of how weak localization differs from strong localization, and any rigorous definitions of "disorder" and "localization" (if they exist) and perhaps recommend some good papers to read on the subject. Thanks
  7. J

    Electroweak Symmetry: Exploring the Unified Force

    Hello, I have read that above a certain temperature, the weak bosons become massless and become indistinguishable to the photon. Is the idea simply that at high enough energies, the Higgs field can sit on top of the peak in the mexican hat potential? I.e. at high enough energies, it's vacuum...
  8. J

    Higgs mechanism and relativity

    Yes, I wrote it in very basic (and incorrect) terms because that is pretty much the only way I've seen it written. Also correct. Apologies.
  9. J

    Higgs mechanism and relativity

    Thanks for clearing that up, I had gotten confused as you say. Also I think I meant to say "Higgs condensate particles" at one point, not "Higgs bosons" (are they the same?). Other than that, is the rest of my understanding correct?
  10. J

    Higgs mechanism and relativity

    Hi all, Having looked into the Higgs mechanism a bit (I am a physics undergrad, so my understanding is pretty basic if even correct), I have come up with a question. I understand that the way that the Higgs field gives mass to the W and Z bosons is different to the way that it gives leptons...
  11. J

    Magnetic Quantum Number Explained: Limits and Importance in Hydrogen Atom

    That's very helpful, thanks. I think the last conceptual hurdle for me to get over is just that these numbers are only integers linking to real variables - thinking of them in terms of "angular momentum has to be less than energy" (and similar nonsense) is what has gotten me confused.
  12. J

    Magnetic Quantum Number Explained: Limits and Importance in Hydrogen Atom

    Well that all seems fairly straightforward. Is there an answer reminiscent of for why l also has to be less than the principal quantum number? If it just pops out of the math that's fair enough, but that explanation was very enlightening (somehow I missed the physical connection between ml...
  13. J

    Weak Force - in what sense is it a force?

    Hi, I don't know very much about the weak force, but gravity, EM and the strong force all seem to apply an actual F = ma type of force (at least, I think the strong force does). But my limited knowledge of the weak force is just that it is involved in radioactive decay. Maybe this is why some...
  14. J

    Magnetic Quantum Number Explained: Limits and Importance in Hydrogen Atom

    Ah, that's very simple. I thought it was more complicated than that. However I am still a little confused, only because I was told that the magnitude of the angular momentum is given by sqrt(l(l+1)) (in units of hbar), which should be a little bit more than l. Is it just because ml has to be...