This is not a contextual question, but a stylistic one; hence it doesn't seem to belong in the other threads.
I am proof-reading a paper, and I am unsure about the way the author uses square brackets for the indication of (numbered) sources. In order not to be quoting a source without...
I was reading the following Wikipedia article: . The excerpt below is taken from the section "Light bending".
I understand that the references are used to back up what is being said using reliable sources. In other words, using...
Hey! Applying for physics PhD programs this fall and thinking about my statement. There's some really specific experiments/work being done I'm interested in. Is it acceptable if I put a few citations down? Such as: "I'm really in interested in tests of yada yada[1] and experiments such as blah...
Does anyone have any recommendations for databases or other (presumably online) resources that I might use to determine citations of a particular scientific paper. That is, I wish to see not only how many times a particular paper was cited, but I would also, if possible, like to see...
Hello! I am looking for a book about statistic applications, I don't know the name or any other ditails, just some quotes. I don't have too much experience in such search. If anyone can help me I will be very thankful. There is a PDF file attached, there is some questions and solutions, I guess...
Only for papers in INSPIRE-HEP. Vertical axis are citations. Downloads measured during the six-month period from september 2015 to Feb 2016 (afaik no more recent data is available, is it?) excluding duplicate IPs of the same paper.
stats "corr.txt" using 1:2
Linear Model: y = 1.782 x + 674.3...
I am currently writing my first scientific paper, but I've never really had any proper training on the specifics of writing one particularly in citing references. The scenario is this:
Say I'm reading paper A that wrote about result X which was cited from paper B. I also want to cite result X...
Most physicists would agree, I believe, that mathematics is the language of physics. Mathematical models are used to describe the physical world.
I therefore found it somewhat amusing but disconcerting that a recent paper found a statistically significant negative correlation between...
Hi, not sure if this is the correct section so feel free to move if needed.
First time using latex to create a pdf here, having trouble getting cross-references and citations to work. They just appear in the text as question marks.
I got my bibliography to work, using Bibtex, but when using...
I am not certain this is the best place to post this, but not sure General Physics would have been appropriate either. Feel free to move this.
I am writing a paper for a quantum physics class, and the professor wants the paper to be in the APS (Physical Review) style. I looked through their...
I'm not sure where to put this question, so I'll try it here. I'm currently writing a report and I'm asking for advice on citations. I know that when you write down a fact or an idea which is not original, you add a citation which explains where you got it from (e.g. bananas are yellow [1])...
Einstein's "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper" ("On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies") was published September 26.
It reconciles Maxwell's equations for electricity and magnetism with the laws of mechanics by introducing major changes to mechanics close to the speed of light. This later...
I am using Zotero to collect and organize all of my citations, which I then export in a bibtex format to use in my LaTeX document, using natbib to make my bibliography. The problem is that I have a couple 'odd' references that do not format correctly. I think this is due to a combination of...
I am attempting a first paper using Revtex. I have been writing the paper and it is just about the way I want it, and I am going back through and putting in my citation references. I can't find an answer to this anywhere within RevTex or Refworks, so thought I would give here a shot.
I get the impression that people who review research papers want to see recent papers listed in the bibliography. To me, this implies that I would have to list papers that are not neither the biggest landmarks nor the most relevant.
When I do research, it's mostly my own thing. It's...
I suspect that the most influential string research will now tend to be done in places where there is a strong nonstring quantum gravity group---so string and nonstring QG people share offices, meet at seminars and at coffeeroom etc. Places where string and nonstring research are on more or less...
Can anyone reccomend a website for finding papers that have cited a particular paper? Google scholar can't even find the original, and Web of Science seems to only go back as far as 1970, and my paper was published in 1969.
Kea and I were talking about the latest paper by Reuter and Lauscher, which showed fractal-like spacetime structure at very small scale.
Fractal Spacetime Structure in Asymptotically Safe Gravity
O. Lauscher, M. Reuter
It came out a few days ago...