A collection of audio/video lectures on mathematics

  • #1
The site below provides a comprehensive collection of links to audio/video courses and lectures in mathematics from colleges/universities.


This collection contains courses and lectures covering a variety of topics in math: calculus, discrete mathematics, differential equations, geometry, linear algebra, mathematical statistics, probability, and more.
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #4
Linear algebra:
  • #7

This brings some introductory video lectures on the topics in mathematics such as sets, logic, counting and probability, and statistics.
  • #8

This contains video lectures from seminars, conferences and workshops, about mathematics and the mathematical sciences with applications over a wide range of science and technology.
  • #9
Lectures on PDEs
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  • #10
I will eat these all up. I need to start reviewing my Calc I for my Calc II.
  • #14
Mathematics Illuminated contains video lectures exploring major themes in the field of mathematics and explaining them in an easy-to-understand manner.

  • #16
Although it has been mentioned in other threads, I thought I would link this here:

It is a very large archive of math lectures at undergrad level. (It is also linked from the infocobuild site.)
  • #17
Anyone know where I could find lectures for a class listed as "Introduction to Abstract Math." Here is a link with info on the class from a previous semester with a different teacher but it is still the same course.

Here is a link to the book that was used then but I believe it is a different one now.

I am thinking it may be known as something else at other universities so I am not sure exactly what to look for. I like watching lectures of a class before I start the class so that it is easier when I actually take it.
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  • #18

Starts at kindergarden level and works up. Even Bill Gates watches them. (2000 x 10 minute lectures about everything mathematical/scientific)
  • #19
saijanai said:

Starts at kindergarden level and works up. Even Bill Gates watches them. (2000 x 10 minute lectures about everything mathematical/scientific)

That's a nice channel. If you go to his website khanacademy.org you can get the videos organized with quizzes etc
  • #20
Bookmark for later viewing. thanks
  • #22
That is a pretty good lecture set :)
  • #23
This is a collection of video lectures for Math 110 - College Algebra taught by Professor Richard Delaware, which consists of 40 video lectures emphasizing the concepts of college algebra. It covers a variety of topics on algebra: numbers, graphs, equations and inequalities, polynomial and rational functions, systems of linear equations, and sequences.

  • #25
Congrats David.. you collected a lots of resources..
  • #31

This has lectures from multiple sources on multiple subjects not only on mathematics but on quite a few other topics

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