Are Homotopic Maps of the n-Sphere Antipodal?

  • Thread starter alexfloo
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of showing that two maps, f and g, from the n-sphere to itself, which are not antipodal for any x, are homotopic. The approach involves lifting the maps to the n-cube and using a covering space to lift the other end, and then using a homotopy between the lifted maps. The fact that f and g are never antipodal is used to prove that the homotopy can be deformed to be constant on the boundary. This is achieved by moving along great circles and projecting onto the sphere. The final homotopy is given as F(z,t) = \frac{tf(z) + (1-t)g(z)}{|tf(z
  • #1
"Let f,g:Sn→Sn be maps so that f(x) and g(x) are not antipodal for any x. Show that f and g are homotopic."

Here's my initial approach: I figured it would be easier to work in In instead, so I note that Sn is the quotient of the n-cube with its boundary. Therefore, each map Sn→Sn can be lifted to a map In→Sn which is constant on the boundary in Rn.

It may also be possible to use a covering space to lift the other end of the map, getting In→Rn. I played around with this in the n=1 case (the only case where I'm certain it'd work) and it didn't seem to help.

In any case, In is contractible, so we have a homotopy F between f' and g' (our lifted maps). I just can't figure out how to use the fact that f and g are never antipodal to prove that F can be deformed into a homotopy which is constant on the boundary at ever stage. I understand intuitively that that restriction prevents one map from ever "wrapping around" more than the other, but I'm not certain how to apply it.
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  • #2
Not sure but if the two maps are never anitpodal then there is a unique length minimizing great circle connecting them.
  • #3
alexfloo said:
"Let f,g:Sn→Sn be maps so that f(x) and g(x) are not antipodal for any x. Show that f and g are homotopic."

Here's my initial approach: I figured it would be easier to work in In instead, so I note that Sn is the quotient of the n-cube with its boundary. Therefore, each map Sn→Sn can be lifted to a map In→Sn which is constant on the boundary in Rn.

It may also be possible to use a covering space to lift the other end of the map, getting In→Rn. I played around with this in the n=1 case (the only case where I'm certain it'd work) and it didn't seem to help.

In any case, In is contractible, so we have a homotopy F between f' and g' (our lifted maps). I just can't figure out how to use the fact that f and g are never antipodal to prove that F can be deformed into a homotopy which is constant on the boundary at ever stage. I understand intuitively that that restriction prevents one map from ever "wrapping around" more than the other, but I'm not certain how to apply it.

Consider a homotopy between the two points in R^n and then rescale so that the

homotopy is moved to Sn
  • #4
A homotopy between which two points? Having a homotopy between f(x) and g(x) for each fixed x doesn't give me a homotopy between f and g, since those homotopies need not vary continuously with x.
  • #5
If homotopies between corresponding points in paths constituted a homotopy of those paths, then every path-connected space would be simply connected.
  • #6
You can move along the great circles by moving along the line segment in Euclidean space connecting f(x) to g(x) then projecting onto the sphere. The line segment will not pass through the origin because f(s) and g(x) are not antipodal.
  • #7
I meant a homotopy between f(x) and g(x) in general; the (arguably) simplest homotopy.
  • #8
That worked perfectly:

[itex]F(z,t) = \frac{tf(z) + (1-t)g(z)}{|tf(z) + (1-t)g(z)|}[/itex]

is my homotopy. Thanks a lot!
  • #9
Glad it helped.

FAQ: Are Homotopic Maps of the n-Sphere Antipodal?

What are homotopic maps of the n-sphere?

Homotopic maps of the n-sphere are continuous maps that can be continuously deformed into each other without breaking or tearing. They are used in topology to study the properties of spaces and their transformations.

How are homotopic maps of the n-sphere related to the n-sphere?

A homotopic map of the n-sphere is a continuous map from the n-sphere to itself. It is used to describe the different ways in which the n-sphere can be transformed without changing its fundamental topological properties.

Why are homotopic maps of the n-sphere important?

Homotopic maps of the n-sphere are important because they help us understand the fundamental structure of spaces. They are used in various fields of mathematics, including algebraic topology, differential geometry, and mathematical physics.

How are homotopic maps of the n-sphere classified?

Homotopic maps of the n-sphere are classified according to their degree, which is an integer that represents the number of times the map wraps around the n-sphere. This classification is useful in understanding the different transformations of the n-sphere.

Can homotopy groups be used to study homotopic maps of the n-sphere?

Yes, homotopy groups can be used to study homotopic maps of the n-sphere. The homotopy groups of the n-sphere are used to classify maps between spheres and to study the properties of these maps, including their homotopy and homology.
