Calulate the distance of objects in Earth's orbit

  • #1

Homework Statement

I am working on a report dealing with the velocity and acceleration of objects in Earth's surface based on distance from the Earth and thus far I have used the orbital speed equation and the acceleration equation. To get dive deeper into the math I would like to attempt to calculate the distance of these objects based on observations from Earth's surface. I have yet to fine something on the internet.

Homework Equations

v = SQRT(G*M/R)
a = G*M/R^2

The Attempt at a Solution

I have figured that there is likely a trigonometric solution.
Physics news on
  • #2
Unless there's a particular scenario that you have in mind, it sounds like might want to investigate orbit determination methods. There are several that are based on observations from ground stations. The complexity depends upon what observables are available (just angles, angles and distance, radial velocity, etc.).