Can ESP8266 Send Data Over Long Distances Using Wifi?

  • Electrical
  • Thread starter Somali_Physicist
  • Start date
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    Internal Wifi
  • #1
Hey guys.

I am building a system for me and a few hundred people. We are incorporating the ESP8266 module to send data over the internet. Each house, however, has its own wifi. Does anyone have any solutions to this problem?

I was thinking of setting up an access point and somehow sending data along far distances, but that wouldn't be feasible.

Thx :P
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  • #2
Can you elaborate on what the problem is? That every WiFi is a separate entity? If they are used for internet access, they are already interconnected, set up a server somewhere and make all the modules contact it using http (or any other protocol of your choice).
  • #3
Borek said:
Can you elaborate on what the problem is? That every WiFi is a separate entity? If they are used for internet access, they are already interconnected, set up a server somewhere and make all the modules contact it using http (or any other protocol of your choice).
Basically the problem is that they have to be all connected to wifi.However, each place has a different wifi password, hence tedious uploading of data I was hoping there was some way to send data over long distances without internet.
  • #4
OK, I see what you mean. ESP8266 uses WiFi, as a rule of thumb WiFi in the open works for up to about 300 feet (100 meters). There are other systems capable of working over much longer distances, but they would require choosing a different approach. Something like SiK telemetry radio comes to mind (there must be plenty of other approaches, that's just an example that I saw working at a several kilometer distance).
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