Current in a wire and wire density

In summary, the conversation is about finding the current in a wire with a given current density function. The attempt at a solution involves using the definition of current density and the formula for the area of a cylinder. However, the correct answer is obtained by integrating the current density function over the cross section of the wire, which is not constant and therefore cannot be calculated using a disk. Instead, the cross section should be broken into rings of thickness dr to set up the integral.
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Homework Statement

If the current density in a wire or radius R is given by J = kr, 0 < r < R , what is the current in the wire?

Homework Equations

I used j = I/A, the definition of current density: current per unit cross sectional area.
the formula for the area of a circle and for a cylinder

The Attempt at a Solution

First I tried to do the cross sectional area (a circle) times the current density, but I got none of the answer that were displayed, and by just using a circle, I'm only finding the current for a small section of the wire. So I found the area of a cylinder.

A = 2*pi*R*L (L is the length of the cylinder, not given in the problem)
j = kr

so A*j = 2*pi*R*L*k*r
if you set L and r = to R (no idea why you'd do this), then you get 2*pi*R^3*k, but the correct answer is (2*pi*k*R^3)/3?

What am I missing here, because this should be a pretty straight forward question... i think.
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  • #2
The current density is not constant across the cross section, but is a function of r. Integrate!
  • #3
Doc Al said:
The current density is not constant across the cross section, but is a function of r. Integrate!

Ok, I understand that it's not constant everywhere, it's an average (from my understanding). So how do you get 2 *(k*pi*R^3)/3??

I can only get (k*pi*R^3)/3. What i did this time was use the cross sectional area A = pi*R^2 and I multiplied it by current density j = k*r. I then set up the integral:
I = ∫ [0,R] k*pi*R^2*dr (I substituted r for dr because for the current density function, r is any radius between 0 and R)
I = (k*pi*R^3)/3

A circle is the right cross sectional shape, correct? And am I integrating the correct bounds? I'm really confused about this question.
  • #4
nateja said:
I can only get (k*pi*R^3)/3. What i did this time was use the cross sectional area A = pi*R^2 and I multiplied it by current density j = k*r.
You can't use a disk, since the current density is not constant over a disk. Instead, break the cross section into rings of thickness dr. What's the area of each ring? Use that to set up your integral.
A circle is the right cross sectional shape, correct?
See above.
  • #5

Your approach is correct, but there seems to be a minor mistake in your calculation. The correct formula for the cross-sectional area of a cylinder is A = pi*R^2, not 2*pi*R*L. So, the correct calculation would be A*j = pi*R^2*kr = pi*R^3*k. This matches the correct answer of (2*pi*k*R^3)/3, which can also be written as pi*R^3*k. This minor error may have led to the discrepancy in your answer. Otherwise, your approach and understanding of the problem seem to be correct.

FAQ: Current in a wire and wire density

1. What is current and how is it related to wire density?

Current is the flow of electric charge in a circuit. It is measured in amperes (A) and is represented by the symbol I. Wire density refers to the amount of wire per unit length. The higher the wire density, the more current can flow through the wire.

2. How does the cross-sectional area of a wire affect current?

The cross-sectional area of a wire is directly related to its wire density. A larger cross-sectional area means more space for electrons to flow, resulting in a higher current. This is why thicker wires are typically used for high current applications.

3. What is the relationship between current and wire resistance?

Ohm's Law states that the current flowing through a wire is directly proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance. This means that as current increases, wire resistance also increases. Thicker wires have lower resistance, allowing for higher currents to flow.

4. How does temperature affect current in a wire?

As temperature increases, the resistance of a wire also increases. This is due to the increased vibration of the wire's atoms, making it more difficult for electrons to flow. As a result, the current in a wire may decrease with increasing temperature.

5. How do I calculate current in a wire with a given wire density?

The current in a wire can be calculated using Ohm's Law: I = V/R, where I is the current, V is the voltage, and R is the resistance. To find the resistance, use the formula R = ρL/A, where ρ is the resistivity of the wire material, L is the length of the wire, and A is the cross-sectional area. Knowing the length and wire density, you can calculate the cross-sectional area and then use Ohm's Law to find the current.
