Do Interacting Bosons with Spin 2 Exist for Gluon-like Charges?

  • #1

i am thinking about gluons (Spin = 1) or gluons like particles.
We know they harve charges (color,anticolor) for example red,antigreen and so on.
My question now is do exist interacting bosons for this charges?
Must they have Spin 2?
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  • #2
Gluons interact with each other through other gluons.
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Likes reinhard55
  • #3
I am thinking about gluonlike particles of the SU(5) with instead of 3 charges (colors)+3 anticharges (anticolors)
then we have 5 charges + 5 anticharges.
Is it then possible that they (the gluonlike particles) interact by spin 2 particles?
  • #4
Glujons interact via other gluons. No need to drag any new particles into it.
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Likes vanhees71
  • #5
It always can be useful to think about new particles.
Otherwise nobody had found the higgsparticle,quarks and so on.
At least i don't think about QCD but that is another question.
  • #6
reinhard55 said:
I am thinking about gluonlike particles of the SU(5)

reinhard55 said:
It always can be useful to think about new particles.

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