- #1
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Homework Statement
Spacecraft, with vacuum inside, in free-fall, contains a small mass captured against a fully-compressed compression spring against one wall of the craft. Release the spring and mass. Mass is accelerated by recovering spring (elastic potential energy turning to kinetic), spacecraft is, of course, accelerated in opposite direction. Spring once fully extended also lifts off behind mass at its average velocity relative to the spacecraft , and while traveling oscillates in length about its unstressed length.
The kinetic energies of spring and mass on the one hand and the spacecraft on the other, must be equal and opposite.
Mass and spring eventually hit the opposite wall of the spacecraft . IF the collision is fully elastic, (and assuming axis of motion passes through center of gravity of system, nothing starts to spin) spacecraft should stop and accelerate in opposite direction while spring and mass return to their original position, repeat cycle..Correct so far?
What IF the collision of spring and mass with opposite wall is substantially inelastic, for instance into a sand-bag which converts significant portion of kinetic energy into frictional heat? Does the whole system end up with kinetic energy in direction opposite to the original spring-driven travel of the small mass?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Described above