Expansion at first order in QCD counterterm

In summary, the conversation discusses the meaning of the expansion at first order in ##\delta_2## and ##\delta_3## at the second step in the last line. These quantities are not "small" and the entire point is to take the ##\epsilon \to 0## limit and the counterterms blow up. The Dyson series is an expansion in the coupling constant ##g##, and the 2nd-order loop corrections to the quark and gluon self-energies, as well as the gluon 3-vertex, are used to determine the counter terms for ##Z_1##, ##Z_2##, and ##Z_3##. This leads to the determination of ##Z_g
  • #1

What is the meaning of the expansion at first order in ##\delta_2## and ##\delta_3## at the second step in the last line? These quantities are not "small" - on the contrary, the entire point is to then take the ##\epsilon \to 0## limit and the counterterms blow up
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  • #2
I can't read light gray on a less light gray background. Can you use LaTex and maybe post your source?
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  • #3
The Dyson series is an expansion in the coupling constant ##g##. Obviously you are evaluating the quoted 2nd-order loop corrections to the quark and gluon self-energies as well as the gluon 3-vertex to get the counter terms to evaluate ##Z_1##, ##Z_2##, and ##Z_3##, from which ##Z_g## follows through a Slavnov-Taylor identity (which maybe is Eq. (75), which you didn't quote). Of course since you have the said ##Z##-factors only to order ##g^2## (or order ##\alpha_s=g^2/(4 \pi)##), you can determine only the counterterm contributing to ##Z_g## to this order, and thus you have to expand the expression for it also up to order ##\alpha_s##.

In the here obviously applied minimal-subtraction scheme you need to find the coefficients to ##1/\epsilon## order by order perturbation theory. This determines the counter terms order by order. At higher loop order you have to take care of the subdivergences by using the corresponding counter terms of subdiagrams.
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Likes Siupa and topsquark
  • #4
Vanadium 50 said:
I can't read light gray on a less light gray background. Can you use LaTex and maybe post your source?
If you open the imgur link it should be in high res. Anyways the reference is chapter 3, end of subchapter 3.3 of this pdf
  • #5
vanhees71 said:
The Dyson series is an expansion in the coupling constant ##g##. Obviously you are evaluating the quoted 2nd-order loop corrections to the quark and gluon self-energies as well as the gluon 3-vertex to get the counter terms to evaluate ##Z_1##, ##Z_2##, and ##Z_3##, from which ##Z_g## follows through a Slavnov-Taylor identity (which maybe is Eq. (75), which you didn't quote). Of course since you have the said ##Z##-factors only to order ##g^2## (or order ##\alpha_s=g^2/(4 \pi)##), you can determine only the counterterm contributing to ##Z_g## to this order, and thus you have to expand the expression for it also up to order ##\alpha_s##.

In the here obviously applied minimal-subtraction scheme you need to find the coefficients to ##1/\epsilon## order by order perturbation theory. This determines the counter terms order by order. At higher loop order you have to take care of the subdivergences by using the corresponding counter terms of subdiagrams.
Eq. (75) is just the definition of ##Z_1 = Z_g Z_2 Z_3^{\frac{1}{2}}##. Anyways thank you I understand now, the expansions of ##1/Z_2## , ##1/Z_3## are obviously at first order in ##\alpha_s##, which in turn means first order in the counterterms since they are proportional to ##\alpha_s## because they were computed at 1-loop. I guess the divergence in ##1/\epsilon## doesn't matter since we only take the limit ##\epsilon \to 0## in the end?
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Likes vanhees71
  • #6
Right! That's the idea!
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FAQ: Expansion at first order in QCD counterterm

What is the significance of the first order expansion in QCD counterterms?

The first order expansion in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) counterterms is significant because it allows for the systematic correction of divergent quantities in perturbative calculations. By considering the first-order terms, physicists can better understand the behavior of strong interactions and improve the precision of predictions made by QCD in high-energy processes.

How are QCD counterterms derived?

QCD counterterms are derived from the renormalization process, which involves regularizing divergent integrals and then redefining the parameters of the theory, such as masses and coupling constants. The counterterms are added to the original Lagrangian to absorb the divergences, ensuring that physical quantities remain finite and well-defined at different energy scales.

What role do counterterms play in the calculation of scattering amplitudes?

Counterterms play a crucial role in the calculation of scattering amplitudes by ensuring that the amplitudes are finite and renormalizable. In perturbative QCD, scattering amplitudes are computed using Feynman diagrams, and counterterms are included to cancel the divergences that arise from loop diagrams, leading to physically meaningful results.

Can you explain the concept of renormalization in the context of QCD counterterms?

Renormalization in the context of QCD counterterms involves the process of redefining the parameters of the theory to absorb the infinities that appear in loop corrections. This is achieved by introducing counterterms that modify the original parameters, allowing for a finite and predictive theory. The renormalization group equations then describe how these parameters evolve with energy scale.

What are the implications of higher-order expansions in QCD beyond the first order?

The implications of higher-order expansions in QCD beyond the first order include increased accuracy in theoretical predictions, as higher-order corrections can significantly affect observables in high-energy physics. These corrections can reveal more detailed dynamics of strong interactions and are essential for comparing theoretical predictions with experimental results, especially in processes involving jets and heavy quarks.

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