Expansion is a compounded error based on a wrong assumption?

In summary, the concept of an expanding universe, and subsequently the Big Bang theory, originated from the observation of a red-shift in observed galaxies. However, instead of exploring the possibility that photons lose energy as they travel, increasingly complicated theories have been proposed, such as dark energy. Despite many models being proposed, they do not fit with the evidence. Additionally, the idea that the universe originated from a single point has been refuted and is not considered by mainstream science.
  • #1
I accept that what I write below will be unpopular and argued with vehemently, however I think it should be considered with an open mind and recognised for the sense that it has.

Originally the concept of an expanding universe (and therefore by extrapolation the concept of the Big Bang that must have initiated it) all came from the simple observation of a red-shift in most observed galaxies, with the Doppler shift increasing as the distance to the observed galaxy increased.

This lead to the logical deduction (at the time) that the over-all entity was expanding... and must therefore have started from a single point at some point in the past - ie: Big Bang.

Why then is it that we find it easier to come up with increasingly complicated theories that have culminated in the most recent puzzle - dark energy - rather than explore the possibility that photons lose (or convert) energy as they travel.

As it lost energy - for whatever reason, but surely one that must be as easily or more easily described than the workings of dark energy - it would red-shift. Giving the appearance of distant galaxies moving away from us. And as light traveled through even greater distances of space it would lose still more energy, red shifting still further, and giving the appearance of more distant galaxies traveling away from us even faster than those closer to us. Which, of course, would give the over-all appearance of the entire structure expanding away from us when in fact it was just an illusion.
Space news on Phys.org
  • #3
Tired light is a tired theory long since refuted. That aside BB does not assert the universe originated from a 'point' it merely asserts it evolved from a hot dense state.
  • #4
Dry said:
I accept that what I write below will be unpopular and argued with vehemently, however I think it should be considered with an open mind and recognised for the sense that it has.

It was discussed with an open mind at length and in detail for decades by the best minds in cosmology. As a result of those discussions it has been refuted. It is not up to PF to consider theories which have already been refuted by mainstream science. Thread locked.
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FAQ: Expansion is a compounded error based on a wrong assumption?

What is meant by "expansion is a compounded error based on a wrong assumption"?

The phrase "expansion is a compounded error based on a wrong assumption" refers to the concept that when making predictions or projections, if the initial assumption or data used is incorrect, any further calculations or extrapolations will also be incorrect and will compound the initial error.

Can you provide an example of expansion as a compounded error?

One example of expansion as a compounded error is the use of inaccurate population data to make predictions about future population growth. If the initial population data is incorrect, any projections made about future growth will also be incorrect and will compound the error.

How does expansion as a compounded error affect scientific research?

In scientific research, expansion as a compounded error can lead to flawed conclusions and inaccurate predictions. This can have a significant impact on the validity and reliability of research findings, as well as the development of theories and models.

How can scientists avoid expansion as a compounded error?

To avoid expansion as a compounded error, scientists must ensure that the initial assumptions and data used in their research are as accurate as possible. They should also regularly re-evaluate and validate their assumptions and data throughout the research process.

What are the implications of expansion as a compounded error for decision making?

The implications of expansion as a compounded error for decision making can be significant, as it can lead to faulty decision making and unintended consequences. It is important for decision makers to thoroughly evaluate the assumptions and data used to make decisions and to be aware of the potential for expansion as a compounded error.

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