- #1
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Homework Statement
The problem is as follows: in a reference frame there is one electron at rest and one incoming positron which annihilates with the electron. The positron energy is [itex]E[/itex] and two gamma rays are produced. Find first the energy of the photons in the center of mass frame as function of the energy [itex]E[/itex] in the lab frame. Then supposing one photon is detected in the lab frame at opposite direction than the proton's find the photon's energy.
Homework Equations
Of course I believe the relevant equations are: independence of reference frame of the metric tensor inner product and the definition of the center of mass frame as the one on which the total momentum is zero.
The Attempt at a Solution
The first part I think I solved right. The situation before, in the electron's frame of reference, we have one electron at rest with four-momentum [itex]p_{1}^\mu = (m,0)[/itex] and one positron with four-momentum [itex]p_2^\mu = (E,\mathbf{p}_2)[/itex]. Using invariance of the inner product, we can compute [itex]p_2^\mu {p_2}_{\mu}[/itex] in the positron's frame, and comparing the results in both frames we have [itex] E^2 - |\mathbf{p}_2|^2 = m^2[/itex] from which we determine [itex]|\mathbf{p}_2|^2 = E^2 + m^2[/itex].
After the process, we have two photons with four-momentum now in the center of mass frame [itex]p_3^\mu = (E_1,\mathbf{p}_\gamma)[/itex] and [itex]p_4^\mu = (E_2,-\mathbf{p}_\gamma)[/itex] so that the total momentum zero. Now since these are photons, their four-momentums are lightlike, hence [itex]p_3^\mu {p_3}_\mu = 0[/itex] from which we get [itex]E_1^2 + |\mathbf{p}_\gamma|^2 = 0[/itex] and the same to the other photon. This gives that [itex]E_1 = E_2 = E_\gamma[/itex].
Hence we have: the total four momentum before the annihilation in the electron's frame is [itex]p^\mu = (E+m, \mathbf{p}_2)[/itex]. The total four momentum after the annihilation in the center of mass frame is [itex]\tilde{p}^\mu = (2E_\gamma, 0)[/itex]. Now considering the abstract four-vectors [itex]p[/itex] and [itex]\tilde{p}[/itex] conservation of four-momentum indicates we should have [itex]p = \tilde{p}[/itex]. In that case, since the metric tensor inner product doesn't depend on reference frame we can equate the one computed on the electron's frame and the one computed on the center of mass frame, giving [itex]p^\mu p_\mu = \tilde{p}^\mu \tilde{p}_\mu[/itex] which is
[tex](E+m)^2 - (E^2 + m^2) = 4E_\gamma^2[/tex]
and hence [itex] E_\gamma = \sqrt{mE/2}[/itex].
The problem is being the other part. I mean let now [itex]p_\gamma^\mu = (E', \mathbf{p}')[/itex] be the four momentum of that photon in the lab reference frame. We only know [itex]\mathbf{p}'[/itex] has opposite direction to [itex]\mathbf{p}_2[/itex], hence [itex]\mathbf{p}'\cdot \mathbf{p}_2 = -E'|\mathbf{p}_2|[/itex].
This lead me to the idea to take the inner product between [itex]p_2^\mu[/itex] the positron's four-momentum and [itex]p_\gamma^\mu[/itex] this photon's four momentum. This yields
[tex]p_2^\mu {p_\gamma}_\mu = EE' - E' |\mathbf{p}_2|[/tex]
but now I don't know anything else I can use. So how can I finish this computation? And also, is my approach up to this point correct?
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