Gauge Transformations and the Covariant Derivative

In summary, the conversation discusses the Lagrangian density and global gauge transformation in QFT for Gifted Amateur. The solution is given for the condition on A_mu(x) to make the Lagrangian invariant under the transformation. There is an extra term involving A_mu(x) when the second term in the Lagrangian is expanded, but it can be canceled out by assuming A_mu(x) = 0 for the original psi(x). The conversation concludes with a clarification on the notation used.
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Looking for an explanation for this and whether I am misunderstanding something.
This is from QFT for Gifted Amateur, chapter 14.

We have a Lagrangian density: $$\mathcal{L} = (D^{\mu}\psi)^*(D_{\mu}\psi)$$
Where $$D_{\mu} = \partial_{\mu} + iq A_{\mu}(x)$$
is the covariant derivative.

And a global gauge transformation$$\psi(x) \rightarrow \psi(x)e^{i\alpha(x)}$$
We are looking for a condition on ##A_{\mu}(x)## to make the Lagrangian invariant under the global gauge transformation.

The solution given is that ##A_{\mu}(x)## transforms according to:$$A_{\mu}(x) \rightarrow A_{\mu}(x) - \frac 1 q \partial_{\mu}\alpha(x) $$

However, when I expand the second term in the Lagrangian, I get:
$$D_{\mu}\psi(x) \rightarrow (\partial_{\mu} + iq A_{\mu}(x) -i\partial_{\mu}\alpha)\psi(x)e^{i\alpha(x)}
= D_{\mu}\psi(x)e^{i\alpha(x)} + iqA_{\mu}(x)\psi(x)e^{i\alpha(x)}$$
And there is an extra term involving ##A_{\mu}(x)##.

My only thought is that if we assume that for the original ##\psi(x)## we have ##A_{\mu}(x) = 0##, then that term vanishes. But, I'm not convinced. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what it means for the Lagrangian to be invariant in this case?

Thanks in advance for any help.
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  • #2
PeroK said:
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what it means for the Lagrangian to be invariant in this case?

I think you are taking some shortcuts in notation which are confusing you. Try it this way:

We start out with ##\psi(x)## and ##D_\mu = \partial_\mu + i q A_\mu##. The gauge transformation is:

\psi(x) \rightarrow \psi^\prime(x) = \psi(x) e^{i \alpha (x)}
A_\mu(x) \rightarrow A^\prime_\mu(x) = A_\mu(x) - \frac{1}{q} \partial_\mu \alpha(x)

which gives us

D_\mu \rightarrow D^\prime_\mu = \partial_\mu + i q A^\prime_\mu = \partial_\mu + i q A_\mu - i \partial_\mu \alpha

We want to prove that

\left( \left[D^\prime\right]^\mu \psi^\prime \right)^* \left( D^\prime_\mu \psi^\prime \right) = \left( D^\mu \psi \right)^* \left( D_\mu \psi \right)

Expanding out the two sides and the covariant derivatives gives:

\left( e^{- i \alpha} \partial^\mu \psi - i \psi e^{- i \alpha} \partial^\mu \alpha - i q A^\mu \psi e^{- i \alpha} + i \psi e^{- i \alpha} \partial^\mu \alpha \right) \left( e^{i \alpha} \partial_\mu \psi + i \psi e^{i \alpha} \partial_\mu \alpha + i q A_\mu \psi e^{i \alpha} - i \psi e^{i \alpha} \partial_\mu \alpha \right) = \left( \partial^\mu \psi - i q A^\mu \psi \right) \left( \partial_\mu \psi + i q A_\mu \psi \right)

Canceling terms and factoring the exponentials out of the LHS gives:

\left( \partial^\mu \psi - i q A^\mu \psi \right) \left( \partial_\mu \psi + i q A_\mu \psi \right) e^{- i \alpha} e^{i \alpha} = \left( \partial^\mu \psi - i q A^\mu \psi \right) \left( \partial_\mu \psi + i q A_\mu \psi \right)

And then the exponentials on the LHS cancel and we have an identity.
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  • #3
Thanks Peter. I've just spotted where I went wrong. It was a shortcut that went awry, as you guessed!

FAQ: Gauge Transformations and the Covariant Derivative

What is the purpose of gauge transformations in physics?

Gauge transformations are used in physics to describe the symmetries of a physical system. They allow us to change the mathematical representation of a physical quantity without changing its physical meaning. In other words, gauge transformations help us to understand the underlying symmetry and structure of a physical theory.

How do gauge transformations relate to the covariant derivative?

The covariant derivative is a mathematical tool used to describe how a vector field changes as we move along a curved surface. Gauge transformations are closely related to the covariant derivative because they are used to keep the equations of motion invariant under a change of coordinates. In other words, gauge transformations ensure that the physical laws remain the same regardless of the coordinate system used to describe them.

What is the difference between a local and a global gauge transformation?

A local gauge transformation is a change in the mathematical representation of a physical quantity that varies from point to point in space and time. This means that the transformation can be different at different locations in the system. On the other hand, a global gauge transformation is a change that is the same at all points in the system. In other words, a global gauge transformation does not vary with position or time.

How do gauge transformations affect the electromagnetic field?

Gauge transformations play a crucial role in describing the behavior of the electromagnetic field. In particular, they are used to ensure that the equations of motion for the electromagnetic field are invariant under a change of gauge. This allows us to describe the electromagnetic field in different coordinate systems without changing its physical behavior.

Can gauge transformations be applied to other fields besides the electromagnetic field?

Yes, gauge transformations can be applied to other fields besides the electromagnetic field. In fact, they are used in many other areas of physics, such as quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and general relativity. Gauge transformations are a fundamental concept in physics and are essential for understanding the underlying symmetries and structure of physical theories.

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