Gearing Up For Calculus 2: Need Advice!

  • #1
Hi, you guys.

I am going to take Calculus 2 next semester... And I would not say I am a math genius or anything... :/

So do you know of anything helpful to understand Calculus 2 very well?
I want to study some over the break to have a head-start.

Thank you! :)
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  • #2

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  • #3

Lo.Lee.Ta. said:
Hi, you guys.

I am going to take Calculus 2 next semester... And I would not say I am a math genius or anything... :/

So do you know of anything helpful to understand Calculus 2 very well?
I want to study some over the break to have a head-start.

Thank you! :)

Be distrustful of your grade from Calculus 1. Restudy as much as you can from Calculus 1 before starting Calculus 2, since you might have earned a good grade, but you also probably learned a few things less well than you think, and you could find those things to be necessary for your ability to learn Calculus 2.
  • #4

* Especially PatrickJMT, I basically learned Calculus 2 and 3 from him.

Got those A's too!

Just make sure you know your integrals well and maybe look a little into series and summation notation.
  • #5

Okay, thanks you guys! I'll be on Physics Forums and watching Khan Academy videos and PatrickJMT's YouTube videos!

Thanks for your help! :D
  • #6

what is calc 2? integral calc of one variable, or advanced calc of several variables? or ?
  • #7
Lo.Lee.Ta. said:
Okay, thanks you guys! I'll be on Physics Forums and watching Khan Academy videos and PatrickJMT's YouTube videos!

Thanks for your help! :D

In my opinion, if you take the best parts of Patrick JMT and Khan Academy and combine them, you will have Math is power 4 u.

Not sure of the exact address, but google mathispower4u to find it.

  • #8

mathwonk said:
what is calc 2? integral calc of one variable, or advanced calc of several variables? or ?

The semester lengthed course before "Intermediate Calculus"; the semester long course before multivariable Calculus. Techniques of Integration, Improper Integrals, Infinite Series
  • #9

Make a stack of flashcards of derivatives/integrals/trig identities and study it until you have it burned into your brain. You should be able to blurt out in your sleep any of the basics with zero hesitation. You will need to able to do u-subs in your head, so if you falter with any of the basic derivatives/integrals, you're setting yourself up for pain.

PatrickJMT videos on Youtube were a great help for me, personally.
  • #10

I'm pretty much in the same position as the OP. Just finished Calc I (which refers to an introduction to limits, derivatives, and integrals) and will be starting Calc II in January. In my opinion, I think it depends on what you learn from best. Myself, I've found that (generally) the textbooks of today are too bloated with silly pictures and whatnot. I enjoy so much more reading from a book written in the 50s-80s.

I'm an engineering student, so as tempting as it is to try something like Spivak or Apostol, they are a bit too rigorous for me, and I've found a book entitled 'Modern Calculus with Analytic Geometry' by A.W. Goodman (1967). There are a few proofs, but not as deep as other books.

My point being, I think if you find something you enjoy, wether it be old books, new books, paul's online math notes, videos, anything, find what that is and learn from it. Older books are written in a way that appeals to me, and it makes it natural for me to keep reading from them, making the learning process more enjoyable.
  • #11

symbolipoint said:
The semester lengthed course before "Intermediate Calculus"; the semester long course before multivariable Calculus. Techniques of Integration, Improper Integrals, Infinite Series

Interesting here that was still Calculus I minus the infinite series.
Calc 2 was differentiation in multiple variables, gradients and some intro to diff eqs
Calc 3 integration in multiple variables, green's, stokes and gauss theorems etc
Calc 4 diff eqs and infinite series

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