Graduate classes during undergrad?

In summary, a senior Electrical Engineering major is interested in taking a graduate course next semester instead of the undergraduate version. They are unsure of the protocol for doing so and are considering asking their advisor. Others suggest that taking a graduate course can be less stressful and more rewarding than undergraduate courses. Some advise just signing up for the course without asking for permission. Overall, it is encouraged to take a graduate course for the benefits it can provide.
  • #1
tl;dr version: EE senior, wants to take grad course next semester, is there a standard way to do this?

Detailed version:
I'm an Electrical Engineering major at a state university, and just obtained senior standing. For next semester, I'm interested in taking the graduate version of a class (digital signal processing) instead of the undergrad version.This makes sense for a variety of reasons, including my interests, the quality of instruction, and the quality of the curriculum.

However, I can't find any information about how to do this on my school's website. I was planning on asking my adviser, but I wanted to make sure there wasn't some unwritten rule or standard protocol I should know first. How would you guys go about this?

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Same-same said:
tl;dr version:
However, I can't find any information about how to do this on my school's website. I was planning on asking my adviser, but I wanted to make sure there wasn't some unwritten rule or standard protocol I should know first. How would you guys go about this?

Asking your advisor is exactly the right thing to do. There should be no unwritten rule about asking questions like this. Also, your advisor will likely have a better handle on what that grad course really assumes you know beyond the official prerequisites (in EE grad school I took a number of courses that assumed you had take complex analysis, or graduate electrodynamics, etc., without explicitly stating so).

good luck,

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  • #3
I am a math undergraduate who took a full year of graduate real analysis and I strongly encourage you to do it! It's been a TON of fun, one of the highlights of my school so far. Doing well in undergrad classes or doing research shows that you are capable of doing grad school. Taking graduate classes shows that you DID grad school.

In a weird way, grad classes are a ton less stressful than undergrad. The way it works is "do the work, get at least a B". In my classes it was average or above was A. Below average was B. They're a lot less stressful in that sense. Of course they're more demanding. The second quarter I had an awesome professor. He was really fun and I learned a ton, but I easily spent 20 hours a week on the homework. There was one week where I swear I spent 30-35 hours. He was an extreme though. But be prepared for that.

And for me? I didn't ask anyone. I just signed up like I would any other class. No permission from instructor. No waiver. I signed up like I would any other class.

I encourage you to do it. It's a lot of fun, looks great, and opens you up to a whole new world.

FAQ: Graduate classes during undergrad?

What are graduate classes during undergrad?

Graduate classes during undergrad refer to courses that are typically taken by undergraduate students but are at a graduate level. These courses are more advanced and in-depth compared to undergraduate courses and may count towards both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements.

Can undergraduate students take graduate classes?

Yes, undergraduate students can take graduate classes with the approval of their academic advisor and the instructor of the course. However, they must meet certain prerequisites and have a strong academic record to be eligible for these courses.

How many graduate classes can I take during my undergraduate studies?

The number of graduate classes a student can take during their undergraduate studies varies depending on the university and program. Some schools may limit the number of graduate courses a student can take, while others may allow them to take as many as they want. It is important to check with your academic advisor for specific guidelines.

Will taking graduate classes during undergrad help with my future graduate studies?

Yes, taking graduate classes during undergrad can be beneficial for future graduate studies. It allows students to gain advanced knowledge and skills in their field of study, making them more competitive when applying for graduate programs. It can also help students determine if they are interested in pursuing a specific graduate degree.

Do graduate classes during undergrad count towards my undergraduate GPA?

Yes, graduate classes taken during undergrad will count towards your undergraduate GPA. However, they may also be factored into your graduate GPA if you decide to pursue a graduate degree at the same university. It is important to check with your academic advisor for specific GPA calculation policies.

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