How can I figure Crush on a vehicle accident?

In summary, the crunch formula is too complex to try to solve over the internet. You would need to hire a professional accident reconstructionist.
  • #1
My truck was rear ended. It has a steel and chrome bumper, the vehicle that hit it has a soft bumper, and was traveling at 15 miles per hour.
My bumper showed deformation by being bent in 1.27 cm and bent up 1.5 cm. The truck which was with the brakes on, also moved forward 6 inches. The soft bumpered bullet vehicle, showed the same amount of crunch ; I am assuming...

My question is what is the actual Crunch that I can input into the Acceleration, Velocity , Crunch formula? In centimeters or inches.??
Engineering news on
  • #2
Acceleration Velocity Crunch formula?
  • #3
All that I can suggest is what we have told others in similar situations: you pretty much have to hire a professional accident reconstructionist. These things are far too complex to try solving over the net.
  • #4
brewnog said:
Acceleration Velocity Crunch formula?

What I meant is Acceleration = (Velocity Square) / (2 x crush)

the other posibility is the formula G force= Change in velocity / time
applied to the actual moment when the crush occurs.

My problem is if the forward movement of the vehicle with brakes on, has to be added to the crush damage distance.
  • #5
Too many variables in a real crash to even attempt to make a formula for it. See danger post.
  • #6
After a few hours of reading on this, I realized the following :

The bullet vehicle traveled for 45 ft before hitting, and it did this in 4 seconds, that changes my closing speed to 7.67mph ...

I can get the Delta V by using

Delta V: Vc x [(1+e)/(1=(Wt/Wb))]

Vc =closing velocity = 7.67mph=11.24 fps
e= Veh to veh coeff of restitution , bounce, = from .1 to .4, so I'll take the average=.2

Wt= weight of the truck=2842 #, plus 3 persons, 120, 150 and 200, plus fluids 20#=3332#
Wb= weight of Altima=2875#, plus 120, plus 20#=3015#

Delta V=11.24 x (1.20/2.11)

Delta V= 11.24 x .57

Delta V= 6.41 fps

next I got to figure the actual distance the vehicles moved in the crash time.

somebody check me on the delta V evaluation !
  • #7
The crush distance=

Truch damage, 1.27 cm and 1.50 cm, average= 1.38 cm =.5 inch

Altima damage , let’s assume the same, 1.38 cm,

The truck traveled 6 inches further.

Then the change in distance would be .5+.5+6=7 inches=.583 ft

Wow, so it traveled .583 ft , if I divide it by the average velocity , I should get
The time ….

Starting velocity 11.24 fps, ending velocity 11.24- Delta V=11.24-6.41= 4.83 fps
Average velocity then is 4.83 fps + 11.24= 16.07 fps/2= 8.03 fps

T= D/V = .583/8.03= .07 seconds

G= Delta V/ Time= 6.41/.07= 91.57 fps^2/32.2= 2.84 G

The other way

A= V^2/ 2xD= (8.03x8.03)/ 2x.583=64.48/1.17=55.11/32.2= 1.71 G


  • #8
What tread pattern does the target vehicle have? What rubber compound in the tires? Of what material, and in what state, was the road surface? What angle were the steering wheels of both vehicles at? What gear was the target vehicle in?—even if the brakes were applied, that makes a difference. What was the ambient temperature? That can help to determine the tire temperatures of both vehicles, as well as that of the road surface. How far at at what speed had the vehicles been moving within the prior 10 minutes or so? (Also in furtherance of determining tire temperature.) What were the weight distributions of both vehicles? Are you starting to get the picture?
And I'm not even getting into the complicated stuff yet...
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FAQ: How can I figure Crush on a vehicle accident?

1. How does a crush on a vehicle accident occur?

A crush on a vehicle accident occurs when two or more vehicles collide with each other, resulting in a deformation or damage to the vehicles. This can happen due to various reasons such as driver error, mechanical failure, or adverse weather conditions.

2. What factors contribute to the severity of a crush on a vehicle accident?

The severity of a crush on a vehicle accident can be influenced by several factors, including the speed and weight of the vehicles involved, the angle of impact, and the safety features of the vehicles. Other factors such as road conditions, weather, and the use of seatbelts can also play a role.

3. How do scientists investigate crush on a vehicle accidents?

Scientists use various methods to investigate crush on a vehicle accidents, including accident reconstruction, computer simulations, and physical tests. They analyze data such as vehicle damage, skid marks, and witness testimonies to determine the cause and severity of the accident.

4. Can crush on a vehicle accidents be prevented?

While it is not possible to completely eliminate crush on a vehicle accidents, certain measures can help prevent them. These include following traffic rules, maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles, and regularly maintaining your vehicle to ensure it is in good working condition.

5. What advancements have been made in understanding and preventing crush on a vehicle accidents?

In recent years, there have been significant advancements in vehicle safety technology, such as the implementation of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and crash avoidance systems. These advancements have helped reduce the number and severity of crush on a vehicle accidents by alerting drivers to potential dangers and automatically applying brakes in emergency situations.
