How Does Centripetal Force Influence the Flight of a Rubber Band?

  • Thread starter Anonim2831
  • Start date
  • #1
Homework Statement
Flight of a rubber band
Relevant Equations
Formulas are needed to solve the theory
good morning, I have a problem explaining the physical experiment which involves examining the flight of a rubber band. I record the eraser in slow motion, releasing it in different ways, but each time it turns to the right. Is there any theory that can explain this?
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  • #2
Welcome to PF.

It doesn't sound like the rubber band is the thing that is flying... Is the rubber band being used like a slingshot to launch some "eraser" something?

Please give lots more details of your experiments so we can help. You can use the "Attach files" link below the Edit window to upload PDF or JPEG files with drawings, data, etc. Thanks.
  • #3
I will try to describe the problem more precisely. I am shooting a rubber band from my fingers. The rubber band flies in a circular motion. The rubber band moves in a circular motion to the right each time. I only use a rubber band, shooting it from my fingers (putting the rubber band on one finger, stretching it on the other and releasing the rubber band)
  • #4
It sounds like you are stretching it slightly asymmetrically to cause the rotation. Can you use two dowels or rods to do the same experiment?
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  • #5
It looks like that may have been the problem. Is there any way to explain why a rubber band starts to spin when it is stretched unevenly? And why does it fly longer distances?
  • #6
Maybe it flies longer distances for the same type of reason that a football travels farther when you throw it with smooth spin... :smile:

And why do *you* think the rubber band will launch with some spin if it is stretched unevenly?
  • #7
it seems to me that when the rubber band is stretched unevenly (shot at the right angle), it is set in a rotational motion, which somehow accelerates the flight of the rubber band, or simply stabilizes it and the rubber band flies further, it is probably related to the centripetal force following your lead about football. But I still don't know how far it will fly further in this case and how to calculate it