How Does Larson's Calculus Provide a Comprehensive Learning Experience?

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  • Author: Ron Larson
  • Amazon Link:
    [URL='']Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions, 5E[/URL]
    [URL='']Calculus of a Single Variable, 9E[/URL]
    [URL='']Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendental Functions, 5E[/URL]
    [URL='']Multivariable Calculus, 9E[/URL]
    [*] [B]Prerequisities:[/B] High-School Mathematics

    [B]Table of Contents:[/B]
    [*] A Word from the Authors
    [*] Textbook Features
    [*] Preparation for Calculus
    [*] Graphs and Models
    [*] Linear Models and Rates of Change
    [*] Functions and Their Graphs
    [*] Fitting Models to Data
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Limits and Their Properties
    [*] A Preview of Calculus
    [*] Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically
    [*] Evaluating Limits Analytically
    [*] Continuity and One-Sided Limits
    [*] Infinite Limits
    [*] Setion Project: Graphs and Limits of Trigonometric Functions
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Differentiation
    [*] The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem
    [*] Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change
    [*] Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives
    [*] The Chain Rule
    [*] Implicit Differentiation
    [*] Section Project: Optical Illusions
    [*] Related Rates
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Applications of Differentiation
    [*] Extrema on an Interval
    [*] Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem
    [*] Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test
    [*] Section Project: Rainbows
    [*] Concavity and the Second Derivative Test
    [*] Limits at Infinity
    [*] A Summary of Curve Sketching
    [*] Optimization Problems
    [*] Section Project: Connecticut River
    [*] Newton’s Method
    [*] Differentials
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Integration
    [*] Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration
    [*] Area
    [*] Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals
    [*] The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
    [*] Section Project: Demonstrating the Fundamental Theorem
    [*] Integration by Substitution
    [*] Numerical Integration
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Logarithmic, Exponential, and Other Transcendental Functions
    [*] The Natural Logarithmic Function: Differentiation
    [*] The Natural Logarithmic Function: Integration
    [*] Inverse Functions
    [*] Exponential Functions: Differentiation and Integration
    [*] Bases Other Than e and Applications
    [*] Section Project: Using Graphing Utilities to Estimate Slope
    [*] Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Differentiation
    [*] Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration
    [*] Hyperbolic Functions
    [*] Section Project: St. Louis Arch
    [*]Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Differential Equations
    [*] Slope Fields and Euler’s Method
    [*] Differential Equations: Growth and Decay
    [*] Separation of Variables and the Logistic Equation
    [*] First-Order Linear Differential Equations
    [*] Section Project: Weight Loss
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Applications of Integration
    [*] Area of a Region Between Two Curves
    [*] Volume: The Disk Method
    [*] Volume: The Shell Method
    [*] Section Project: Saturn
    [*] Arc Length and Surfaces of Revolution
    [*] Work
    [*] Section Project: Tidal Energy
    [*] Moments, Centers of Mass, and Centroids
    [*] Fluid Pressure and Fluid Force
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Integration Techniques, L’Hôpital’s Rule, and Improper Integrals
    [*] Basic Integration Rules
    [*] Integration by Parts
    [*] Trigonometric Integrals
    [*] Section Project: Power Lines
    [*] Trigonometric Substitution
    [*] Partial Fractions
    [*] Integration by Tables and Other Integration Techniques
    [*] Indeterminate Forms and L’Hôpital’s Rule
    [*] Improper Integrals
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Infinite Series
    [*] Sequences
    [*] Series and Convergence
    [*] Section Project: Cantor’s Disappearing Table
    [*] The Integral Test and p-Series
    [*] Section Project: The Harmonic Series
    [*] Comparisons of Series
    [*] Section Project: Solera Method
    [*] Alternating Series
    [*] The Ratio and Root Tests
    [*] Taylor Polynomials and Approximations
    [*] Power Series
    [*] Representation of Functions by Power Series
    [*] Taylor and Maclaurin Series
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Conics, Parametric Equations, and Polar Coordinates
    [*] Conics and Calculus
    [*] Plane Curves and Parametric Equations
    [*] Section Project: Cycloids
    [*] Parametric Equations and Calculus
    [*] Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphs
    [*] Section Project: Anamorphic Art
    [*] Area and Arc Length in Polar Coordinates
    [*] Polar Equations of Conics and Kepler’s Laws
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Vectors and the Geometry of Space
    [*] Vectors in the Plane
    [*] Space Coordinates and Vectors in Space
    [*] The Dot Product of Two Vectors
    [*] The Cross Product of Two Vectors in Space
    [*] Lines and Planes in Space
    [*] Section Project: Distances in Space
    [*] Surfaces in Space
    [*] Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Vector-Valued Functions
    [*] Vector-Valued Functions
    [*] Section Project: Witch of Agnesi
    [*] Differentiation and Integration of Vector-Valued Functions
    [*] Velocity and Acceleration
    [*] Tangent Vectors and Normal Vectors
    [*] Arc Length and Curvature
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Functions of Several Variables
    [*] Introduction to Functions of Several Variables
    [*] Limits and Continuity
    [*] Partial Derivatives
    [*] Section Project: Moiré Fringes
    [*] Differentials
    [*] Chain Rules for Functions of Several Variables
    [*] Directional Derivatives and Gradients
    [*] Tangent Planes and Normal Lines
    [*] Section Project: Wildflowers
    [*] Extrema of Functions of Two Variables
    [*] Applications of Extrema of Functions of Two Variables
    [*] Section Project: Building a Pipeline
    [*] Lagrange Multipliers
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Multiple Integration
    [*] Iterated Integrals and Area in the Plane
    [*] Double Integrals and Volume
    [*] Change of Variables: Polar Coordinates
    [*] Center of Mass and Moments of Inertia
    [*] Section Project: Center of Pressure on a Sail
    [*] Surface Area
    [*] Section Project: Capillary Action
    [*] Triple Integrals and Applications
    [*] Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
    [*] Section Project: Wrinkled and Bumpy Spheres
    [*] Change of Variables: Jacobians
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Problem Solving
    [*] Vector Analysis
    [*] Vector Fields
    [*] Line Integrals
    [*] Conservative Vector Fields and Independence of Path
    [*] Green's Theorem
    [*] Section Project: Hyperbolic and Trigonometric Functions
    [*] Parametric Surfaces
    [*] Surface Integrals
    [*] Section Project: Hyperboloid of One Sheet
    [*] Divergence Theorem
    [*] Stokes's Theorem
    [*] Review Exercises
    [*] Section Project: The Planimeter
    [*] Problem Solving
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  • #2
This was my first calculus text, I love all the historical tidbits, graphics, and great explanations without any spoon fed solutions.
  • #3
It's a decent exposure for HS calculus. In my opinion, it focuses to much on apply formulas. Then and again, that's high school calculus.
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Likes Calaver
  • #4
This is a great first exposure to calculus
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Likes Joe Goldenberg and theoristo
  • #5
I used it for my calculus sequence and I thought it was pretty good.
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