How Does the Sign of ##dm## Affect Rocket Propulsion Calculations?

  • #1
Homework Statement
A rocket is in a space. The rocket's initial mass and velocity is m and v. After that, mass dm is ejected backwards with constant speed u relative to the rocket. Find the equation for the velocity of the rocket
Relevant Equations
momentum conservation
I have a question. If we assume that ##dm## is positive, is the answer supposed to be different from the one when we regard the ##dm## as negative?

1. If I assume that ##dm## is positive:
By using momentum conservation, we will get
$$mv=(m-dm)(v+dv)+dm (v-u)$$
simplify the equation
$$m \,dv=dm \,u$$
Integrate the equation and we will get
$$ln\frac {m'} {m} = \frac {v'-v} {u}$$

2. if I assume that mass ##dm## is negative:
$$mv=(m+dm)(v+dv)-dm (v-u)$$
$$m \,dv=-dm \,u$$
The answer will be
$$ln\frac {m'} {m} = - \frac {v'-v} {u}$$

What exactly happened here?
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  • #2
It looks like if you assume ##dm## is negitive you have the rocket gaining mass. The momentum before in that case is not ##mv##:

$$F_{ext}dt= ( m +dm)(v+dv) - [mv + dm u]$$
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  • #3
erobz said:
It looks like if you assume ##dm## is negitive you have the rocket gaining mass. The momentum before in that case is not ##mv## .
I copied it from my textbook. I doubt that its answer is wrong
  • #4
You are orienting the axis differently.
What is ∫dx from 0 to 1 for dx positive?
What is ∫dx from 1 to 0 for dx positive?
What is ∫dx from 0 to 1 for dx negative?
Think about Riemann sums.
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  • #5
Frabjous said:
You are orienting the axis differently.
Frabjous said:
What is ∫dx from 0 to 1 for dx negative?
Um... imo, the dx need to be positive in order to solve it like usual. What should I do ?
  • #6
Riemann sums assume you are adding up rectangles. What does this imply for the sign of the integral when dx is negative?
  • #7
Forgive me, but how can ##dm## be negative if it represents the mass ejected from the rocket?
  • #8
Drakkith said:
Forgive me, but how can ##dm## be negative if it represents the mass ejected from the rocket?
"during a small time dt, a negative mass dm gets added to the rocket, and a positive mass (−dm) gets shot out the back"
  • #9
Rikudo said:
##mv=(m-dm)(v+dv)+dm (v-u)##
Note that this equation represents: ##InitialRocketMomentum = FinalRocketMomentum + ExhaustMomentum##

It seems to be a physical impossibility for ##dm## to be a negative quantity, as that no longer gives us the correct momentum of the rocket or its exhaust.

Rikudo said:
"during a small time dt, a negative mass dm gets added to the rocket, and a positive mass (−dm) gets shot out the back"
That just switches the sign of ##dm## back to what it should be to make the equations and terms make sense.

I'm uncertain about what you're actually asking.
  • #10
Frabjous said:
Riemann sums assume you are adding up rectangles. What does this imply for the sign of the integral when dx is negative?
If I solve it like usual, the result (or, we can also say the area under the curve) is negative.
So, does that mean I need to multiple the result by (-1) so that it become positive?

EDIT: nevermind. This is clearly incorrect.
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  • #11
Drakkith said:
I'm uncertain about what you're actually asking.
The second method in my first post is what is written in the book.(By the way the sentence that I just quoted is also taken from it). Then, I tried a slightly different way by regarding ##dm## as a positive mass, but the result is different from the book's. That is what I'm confused right now; why they are different.
  • #12
I must apologize. My reply was a little misleading and there are some subtleties that I do not feel confident explaining (or am sure that I completely understand)
The basic idea is:
For a rocket, dm = m(t+Δt)-m(t) which is negative (or m(t+Δt) = m(t)+dm). This matters as one turns things into differentials. So if you want to define dm as positive, it has a sign inconsistency with m, so one needs to add a negative sign or reverse the limits of integration.
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Likes Rikudo
  • #13
Rikudo said:
The second method in my first post is what is written in the book.(By the way the sentence that I just quoted is also taken from it). Then, I tried a slightly different way by regarding ##dm## as a positive mass, but the result is different from the book's. That is what I'm confused right now; why they are different.
Ah, I see. I was referencing this page, which has the original equation listed with the same signs as your first example in your first post does, as well as ##mdv=-dmu## (the integrated equation in 14.1 without the gravity term). Check the link and see if your steps match up with theirs.
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  • #14
dm is defined to be the before-to-after gain in m. By taking it as positive, you have reversed the order of integration, making it ##\int_{m'}^m##. Switching that back will make the signs match.
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Likes Rikudo and Drakkith
  • #15
This is a very common issue. It ultimately boils down to using ##dm## to represent both the mass ejected (ie, positive if mass is ejected) and as the change in the mass when doing the integration. The two differ by a sign and you will get the wrong answer if you do not account for this. The notationally least confusing way in my opinion is to use ##dm## as the change in the mass ##m## because then you will not confuse yourself with the integration limits.
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