How many free throws are given to shooting foul?

  • Thread starter Ganesh Ujwal
  • Start date
  • #1
Ganesh Ujwal
how many free throws are given to shooting foul?
yesterday i am playing NBA 2K14, suddenly offensive team got shooting foul, then defending team got 2 free throws, again offensive team got shooting foul, then defending team got only one free throw, why only one free throw is given for second shooting foul?
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  • #3
  • #4
If you're fouled while shooting and you miss the shot, you get two free throws (three if you're shooting a three pointer). If you make the shot, you only get one free throw (whether the shot is a two or a three). Those are NBA rules, which is what you're looking for anyway. International rules may be different, but I don't think they are. Also, "while shooting" can be misleading. There's something called continuation, where players can be fouled when they're clearly not shooting and then throw up the shot and be rewarded with free throws. The refs are much more generous with giving continuations that they used to be.
  • #5
if team is in bonus, then the player is fouled while shooting and the shot goes in, then how many free throws are awarded?
  • #6
Still just one. In the bonus just means that even if you're not shooting, you still get two free throws.