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- Author: Kevin Houston
- Title: How to Think Like a Mathematician: A Companion to Undergraduate Mathematics
- Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/052171978X/?tag=pfamazon01-20
- Prerequisities: High-School Mathematics
- Level: Undergrad
Table of Contents:
[*] Preface
[*] Study skills for mathematicians
[*] Sets and functions
[*] Reading mathematics
[*] Writing mathematics I
[*] Writing mathematics II
[*] How to solve problems
[*] How to think logically
[*] Making a statement
[*] Implications
[*] Finer points concerning implications
[*] Converse and equivalence
[*] Quantifiers - For all and There exists
[*] Complexity and negation of quantifiers
[*] Examples and counterexamples
[*] Summary of logic
[*] Definition, theorems and proofs
[*] Definitions, theorems and proofs
[*] How to read a definition
[*] How to read a theorem
[*] Proof
[*] How to read a proof
[*] A study of Pythagoras' Theorem
[*] Techniques of proof
[*] Techniques of proof I: Direct method
[*] Some common mistakes
[*] Techniques of proof II: Proof by cases
[*] Techniques of proof III: Contradiction
[*] Techniques of proof IV: Induction
[*] More sophisticated induction techniques
[*] Techniques of proof V: Contrapositive method
[*] Mathematics that all good mathematicians need
[*] Divisors
[*] The Euclidean Algorithm
[*] Modular arithmetic
[*] Injective, surjective, bijective - and a bit about infinity
[*] Equivalence relations
[*] Closing remarks
[*] Putting it all together
[*] Generalization and specialization
[*] True understanding
[*] The biggest secret
[*] Appendices
[*] Greek alphabet
[*] Commonly used symbols and notation
[*] How to prove that ...
[*] Index
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