In practice how do we prepare a desired quantum state?

In summary, preparing a superposition state with a specific wavefunction involves creating the state using a specified wave function, and then decomposing it in various ways to analyze its behavior. However, the possibility of creating such a state depends on available resources and limitations of manipulating the universe. Each case must be considered individually and learned from through examples.
  • #1
Let say we want to prepare a particular superposition state with a specified wavefunction, how can we accomplish that? I tried google but nothing useful showed up. Thanks.
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  • #2
You just prepare your state with the specified wave function. You can then, if you want to, decompose it in thousands of ways as or complicated superpositions. The fact that it is a superposition is not coded in the wave function itself. It is coded in the way you want to analyze what happens.
  • #3
arkajad said:
You just prepare your state with the specified wave function. You can then, if you want to, decompose it in thousands of ways as or complicated superpositions. The fact that it is a superposition is not coded in the wave function itself. It is coded in the way you want to analyze what happens.

Sorry I'm lost, can you elaborate more? For example I give you a lot of electrons and write you down a wavefunction, how do you make the electrons associated to the wavefunction I wrote you?
  • #4
kof9595995 said:
... how do you make the electrons associated to the wavefunction I wrote you?

Well, some tasks will be easy, some difficult, some impossible. It is like with stones. I give you a stone and ask you to put it at the position of Alpha Centauri. Normally, you see what is available in your lab and try to invent a laboratory procedure that will approximately realize your wave wave function, for instance by inventing a clever Hamiltonian.

But probably you wanted to formulate your question in a different way, something like that:

"Suppose I have two laboratory procedures that prepare my electrons in pure states |a> and |b> respectively. Can I use them in a clever way to prepare my electrons in |a>+|b>?"

Sometimes the answer will be easy (like in a double slit experiment), sometimes it will be impossible due to our limitations of manipulating the universe in which we live. We learn by examples. The same with gravitational fields. In general we can't prepare a gravitational field that corresponds to a given solution of Einstein field equations!

FAQ: In practice how do we prepare a desired quantum state?

1. What are the main steps involved in preparing a desired quantum state?

The main steps involved in preparing a desired quantum state include:
- Choosing the appropriate quantum system or qubits to represent the state
- Preparing the qubits in a well-defined initial state (often the ground state)
- Applying quantum gates and operations to manipulate the qubits
- Measuring the qubits to confirm the desired state has been prepared
- Repeating the process if necessary to improve the accuracy of the state

2. How do we choose the appropriate quantum system or qubits for a desired state?

The choice of quantum system or qubits depends on the specific requirements of the desired state. Different systems have different properties and may be better suited for certain states. For example, superconducting qubits are often used for quantum computing, while trapped ions are used for quantum simulation. It is important to consider factors such as coherence time, gate fidelity, and ease of manipulation when choosing a quantum system.

3. What types of operations and gates are commonly used to manipulate qubits in preparing a desired state?

Commonly used operations and gates include single-qubit operations, such as rotations and phase shifts, and two-qubit operations, such as CNOT gates or controlled-phase gates. These gates can be combined in various ways to create more complex operations, and can be controlled using classical inputs to manipulate the qubits into the desired state.

4. How do we measure the qubits to confirm the prepared state?

Measurement is a crucial part of preparing a desired quantum state as it allows us to confirm the outcome and adjust if necessary. Measurement is typically done by applying a projective measurement to the qubits, which collapses the state into one of its basis states. The probability of each basis state can then be calculated and compared to the expected outcome of the desired state.

5. Are there any challenges or limitations in preparing a desired quantum state?

Yes, there are several challenges and limitations in preparing a desired quantum state. One major challenge is maintaining the coherence of the qubits, as any external noise or interference can disrupt the state preparation process. Additionally, the accuracy of the state preparation may be limited by the fidelity of the gates and operations used. As quantum systems become larger and more complex, it becomes increasingly difficult to prepare and control a desired state with high accuracy.

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