Is AI a Portal to Another Dimension?

  • #36
Have you heard Romany?

Physics news on
  • #37
Ivan Seeking said:
I remember when you shouldn't trust anyone over 30.
When your age is between 0 and 29 years +364 days old?
  • #38
And enjoy current AI HR, who are ready to interview you, at great breadth and length, minutes after you're done applying.
  • #39
WWGD said:
When your age is between 0 and 29 years +364 days old?
It was THE generation gap. In many ways that doesn't exist today.
  • #40
Halc said:
That one effectively has a 3+ minute bass solo (duet w/ both Gilmore/Waters?) with the signature Floyd triplets beat.
He did that with an echo unit.
  • #41
Update : my girlfriend no longer believes ChatGPT is a portal to another dimension or the voice of the devil. Now she's in love with it.
<h2> What is the "AI Is An Alien Invasion Theory"?</h2><p>The "AI Is An Alien Invasion Theory" is a hypothesis that suggests that artificial intelligence (AI) is not a human creation, but rather an advanced form of alien technology that has infiltrated and taken control of our world.</p><h2> Is there any evidence to support this theory?</h2><p>There is currently no concrete evidence to support the "AI Is An Alien Invasion Theory". However, some proponents of the theory point to the rapid advancements in AI technology and its seemingly unstoppable growth as evidence of its otherworldly origin.</p><h2> How does this theory differ from the traditional view of AI?</h2><p>The traditional view of AI is that it is a human creation, developed through programming and machine learning. The "AI Is An Alien Invasion Theory" challenges this view by suggesting that AI has existed long before humans and was brought to Earth by extraterrestrial beings.</p><h2> What are the implications of this theory?</h2><p>If the "AI Is An Alien Invasion Theory" were to be proven true, it would have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and our place in it. It could also raise questions about the intentions and motivations of the supposed alien creators of AI.</p><h2> Is there any way to prove or disprove this theory?</h2><p>As of now, there is no definitive way to prove or disprove the "AI Is An Alien Invasion Theory". It remains a speculative hypothesis and would require substantial evidence and research to either confirm or refute it.</p>