Is it possible to physically separate colloids from sol'n?

  • #1
Baho Ilok
I understand that colloids (at least those less than 0.7 um in diameter) are not filterable using conventional filters. But are there other physical separation methods that can separate them from solution, apart from using membranes? Centrifugation perhaps? I just want some confirmation. Thank you!
Chemistry news on
  • #3
IIRC, you may be able to coagulate / flocculate some colloids 'without' contamination by generating ions in-situ using electrolysis.

Another approach is ultrasound.
  • #4
Ygggdrasil said:
Coagulation and flocculation can be used to cause colloidal particles to aggregate, which enables their easier removal from a solution (e.g. by filtration).
I want to minimize contamination as much as possible so I want to avoid adding chemicals, that's why I emphasized physical methods. Anyway, thank you for the suggestion!
  • #5
Nik_2213 said:
IIRC, you may be able to coagulate / flocculate some colloids 'without' contamination by generating ions in-situ using electrolysis.

Another approach is ultrasound.
Interesting, this is the first time that I've heard of these methods. I will explore these ideas more. Thank you!