Is Kittel's Solid-State Physics Book Understandable?

In summary, Kittel is a difficult book to understand, and many people do not pass the exam after learning from it. Additionally, the professor that Kittel is recommended to be used with is not very helpful. However, there are many helpful internet resources that can be used to supplement understanding of the content.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Does anyone have Kittel's solid-state physics book? Furthermore, does anyone actually understand anything inside of it? If so, I have tons of questions about it that I would like to discuss/have answered?

EDIT: I have the 8th edition. But other editions are probably similar.
EDIT: Please respond even if you do. That book is really killing me and my professor is no help at all.

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The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Kittel is notorious to be hard... like jackson in E&M the first chapter in that one already threw me off when trying to use it as a reference recommended by my prof... will string theorists ever learn the fact that there are mortals around them...

You might want to try: i heard it is a bit better but more advanced
  • #3
Ok we have a certain forum for textbooks discussions..

Kittel is a bit tricky in the first 2chapters, then you get used to it. You might want to supplement it by lecture notes that you can find on the internet.

But Solid state is a hard subject, in our class only 30% passed the exam and only 10% passed the re-exam.. And many got highest grade, so either you have or not :/

Also our professor was exelent, and we got many good lecture notes and we had great problem solving sessions.
  • #4
malawi_glenn said:
Ok we have a certain forum for textbooks discussions..

Where is the forum for textbook discussions?

Are you saying that you have the book and are willing to help me with specific questions?
  • #5
Academic & Career Guidance
Sub-Forums: Science Book Reviews

I have the book, and I understand quite much of it. But I am not an expert on Solid State just because I got full score on the exam :P And I also have limted of time, so I rather just help people with what's my speciality: Subatomic physics and QM.

And there are tons of tutorials about Solid state on the internet if u just google, they helped me ALOT :)
  • #6
Someday soon you'll learn about my user name!

If it's the textbook I think it is, then you should know you need a fairly decent understanding of basic quantum mechanics right off the bat. That's the key thing, otherwise it's like trying to read a textbook on differential equations when you don't know calculus

I found that actually seeing the types of results and things from solid state reinforced my understanding of quantum mechanics

However I just noticed you're apparently in a class and I think I've seen you asking QM questions before so you've had that class. I like the book because it doesn't beat around the bush and assumes you're pretty smart, and I also hate it for that. Just like how I like Wangsness' EM book more than Griffiths...and hate it. There are lots of useful internet resources, and lots of solid state textbooks, go hit up a half priced books and see if you can find an old used one.

If you have a professor doing solid state research(and every university usually has several!)this would be an EXCELLENT opportunity to make a good impression, maybe get yourself a spot helping them, and they'll have all kinds of resources to help you. In my experience professors love students interested in their work(well obviously)
  • #7
I am glad that someone else said they didn't like Griffith's EM either. I couldn't stand that freakin book... We used Griffiths for both EM and QM

Krauss for E&M was an excellent supplemental text...(my father suggested it during the last month of my E&M course)...

I agree that the internet has an enormous amount of information to help in aiding through coursework...and of course...physics forums...
  • #8
blochwave said:
Someday soon you'll learn about my user name!

That was yesterday's lecture!
  • #9
I have Kittel 7th Edition. I quite like it but it does take some thinking about. A good book that is slightly less advanced than Kittel and serves as a good introduction is R. Turton's 'The Physics of Solids'.
  • #10
relation between cp and cy and for solid state

FAQ: Is Kittel's Solid-State Physics Book Understandable?

What is the main focus of Kittel's solid-state physics book?

Kittel's solid-state physics book is primarily focused on introducing the fundamental concepts and principles of solid-state physics, including crystal structures, electronic band structures, and transport phenomena. It also covers various topics related to applications of solid-state physics in technology, such as semiconductors and magnetism.

Is Kittel's solid-state physics book suitable for beginners?

While Kittel's book is considered a classic in the field of solid-state physics, it may be challenging for beginners without a strong background in physics and mathematics. The book assumes a certain level of knowledge and may be better suited for upper-level undergraduate or graduate students.

Does Kittel's solid-state physics book cover modern advancements in the field?

Although Kittel's book was first published in 1976, it has been updated to include more recent advancements in solid-state physics, such as the discovery of new materials and techniques. However, it may not include the most cutting-edge research in the field.

Is Kittel's solid-state physics book applicable to other fields of study?

Yes, many of the concepts and principles covered in Kittel's book, such as crystal structures and electronic band structures, are fundamental to other fields of study, such as materials science and electrical engineering. Therefore, the book can be useful for students in these related fields as well.

Are there any supplemental materials available for Kittel's solid-state physics book?

Yes, there are a variety of supplemental materials available for Kittel's book, including solutions to the problems, lecture notes, and online resources. These materials can be found on the publisher's website or through other academic resources.

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