Is mathematics a discovery or invention?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of mathematics and whether it is an invention or a discovery. Some argue that mathematics is a set of theories and proofs invented by mankind, while others argue that it is a set of rules and relationships waiting to be discovered. Some believe that mathematics is a construct of postulates, while others believe it is a fundamental property of the universe. Ultimately, it is a matter of personal opinion and there is no clear answer.
  • #1
As I read, this seems to be a tough question, even for Philosophers.

Other animals too do some maths concept. A prey understands concepts like bigger/larger/smaller concepts. If the number of predators are higher, it runs away. If it's smaller, it's tries to defend. It's possible that an animal knows to count, may be up to 3.

To me zero, positive numbers and all the arithmetic using positive numbers and zero look as a discovery. Negative numbers, subtraction that results in a negative number looks like man-made.

Another way to look at is modifying the question a bit.

Mathematics is applied logic.

Is logic man's (or anything with a brain) invention?

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  • #2
Kronecker once said "God made the integers, all else is the work of man" (Although I've always been more of a Cantor guy)
  • #3
I think of mathematics at just a set of theories and proofs, which are invented by mankind. If man didn't exist then there would be no mathematics. The same can't be said for things like gravity.
  • #4
Topher925 said:
I think of mathematics at just a set of theories and proofs, which are invented by mankind. If man didn't exist then there would be no mathematics. The same can't be said for things like gravity.

By "man", you mean any life form that is capable of thinking, rt? Theorems and proofs are higher mathematics. Animals seem to have concepts like zero, small positive integers and some relationship logic among integers (as bigger/smaller).
  • #5
It's probably a bit of both actually.

One had to discover or invent counting, or quantifying things.

After a while, it evolved into more discovery of relationships of variables.

I suppose calculus and abstract algebras were inventions, but I think there's discovery in that as well.
  • #6
As it turns out, every mathematician (professional or amateur) has an opinion. It's an interesting discussion, but it's hardly possible to convince somebody out of their opinion.

Just in terms of logic rules, for me (personal opinion), mathematics are awaiting to be discovered. We do not add anything, our imagination just guides us towards the most fruitful path. The logic construction does not need us, and would be discovered equally as well on the other side of the Universe, or in another time, by conscious beings supported by completely different life forms. That applies to the entire body of mathematics. That also works for Universes were physical laws would be completely different, life forms would be completely different, and mathematics would still be the same.
  • #7
Mathematics is nothing more than a construct of a set of postulates. It cannot be 'discovered' because it does not exist outside its own framework. There is no such thing as a circle, a square, or a rectangle, in the real world. These are all idealizations, and because of them we have a set of rules to the game that lead to 'discoveries'.

If I start with new assumptions (eliminate the circle, for instance), then you don't have pi, area of a circle, sectors - all our 'rules' go out the window. We may get something that works, and it may give equally elegant answers and proofs. But they won't be the same as our system of mathematics.

Some ancient cultures used different number base systems than what we use today, as an example.

I think this is a cute question, with good answers from both sides.
  • #8
I see math as a set of inventions in which we discover relationships. For example, we invent the concept of 1 and the concept of 2, and the concept of addition, and then we discover the relationship that 1+1=2. Or something like that...
  • #9
Matterwave said:
I see math as a set of inventions in which we discover relationships. For example, we invent the concept of 1 and the concept of 2, and the concept of addition, and then we discover the relationship that 1+1=2. Or something like that...

That doesn't really matter. It is the rules that matter. Redefining symbology doesn't change anything.
  • #10
I'm not talking about the symbols 1 2 and + I'm talking about the concepts 1 2 and +

I suppose a better word than inventing would be defining. We define 1 2 and + then go around discovering stuff to do with it.
  • #11
Oh, I skimmed your over your post too quickly. My bad.
  • #12
I doubt that there could be any intelligent life anywhere that doesn't have some of the the same concepts as ourselves. I put rocks into a container and I count them with positive numbers, but sometimes I also take rock out of the container and I need negative numbers to keep track of those. If I account for going uphill with positive numbers, then I must also account for going downhill with negative numbers. That much must be in common to any life in the universe that has made the leap to abstract thinking that was made when our tool-making species appeared. As for the original question, I'll say "discovery" and not "invention", because what happened could not have happened otherwise.
  • #13
IMO it's more a question of lexicography than philosophy -- "invent" and "discover" aren't really disjoint terms.

e.g. does one invent a wheel, or discover round things roll?
  • #14
I like to think 1 + 1 = 2 (or * + * = **) even if there is nobody around to think so.

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  • #15
Garth said:
I like to thing 1 + 1 = 2 (or * + * = **) even if there is nobody around to think so.


I would argue that this is true but not for the reason you state. As you have written this, it is simply arithmetic bookkeeping for the sake of bookkeeping.

In contrast, we do know that conservation of mass is a property of the universe. This therefore implies that the property of addition is a fundamental property of the universe. It no longer exists for the 'sake of' existing: it is now physical.

Heh, but then again, the critic can rightly argue that 'energy' is simply a construct!

So, looks like it isn't a property of the universe. Its a property of the model we adopted to understand it.
  • #16
Mathematics is the invention of man used to describe and help discern the meaning behind the discoveries of the world around him.

I think there was some "pure math," too, which predated some of the discoveries...
  • #17
I think math is just like any other science. The science is an invention that explains how the universe works. We invented biology, but biology has been happening for a lot longer. We invented math, but things have been adding and subtracting for a lot longer.

FAQ: Is mathematics a discovery or invention?

Is mathematics a discovery or invention?

This is a highly debated question among scientists and philosophers. Some argue that mathematics is a discovery because the concepts and principles already existed in the natural world and humans simply uncovered them. Others argue that mathematics is an invention because humans created the language and symbols to describe and manipulate these concepts.

What evidence supports the idea that mathematics is a discovery?

One piece of evidence is the fact that mathematical principles, such as the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio, can be seen in nature. This suggests that these concepts existed before humans discovered them. Additionally, many mathematical theories and equations have been developed to explain and predict natural phenomena, further supporting the idea that mathematics is a discovery.

How does the concept of infinity impact the debate?

The concept of infinity is often used as evidence for mathematics being a discovery. The idea of an endless and boundless quantity is difficult to fully comprehend and seems to exist independently of human invention. However, some argue that our understanding and use of infinity is a human invention and therefore supports the idea that mathematics is an invention.

Can mathematics be both a discovery and an invention?

Some argue that mathematics can be both a discovery and an invention. While the concepts and principles may exist in the natural world, humans have invented the specific language and symbols to describe and manipulate them. This means that while the foundations of mathematics may be a discovery, the way we use and apply it is an invention.

Why is the debate over whether mathematics is a discovery or invention important?

The debate over the nature of mathematics has implications for how we view and understand the world. If mathematics is a discovery, it suggests that there are fundamental truths and principles that exist independently of human thought. On the other hand, if mathematics is an invention, it implies that human creativity and ingenuity are responsible for our understanding and use of mathematical concepts. Understanding the nature of mathematics can also impact the development of new mathematical theories and applications.
