Ising model, same interaction with all spins

In summary, a model where all spins interact with each other in exactly the same way is called the "Ising model on a complete graph." It arises in systems like semiconductor quantum dots, and is important from a fundamental point of view in statistical mechanics.
  • #1
Gold Member

I just read a question about the Ising model, and this reminds me of an old interrogation I had long ago. It is simply that:

The Ising model deals with spins interacting only with close neighbors.
I would be interested in a model where all spins interact with each other in exactly the same way.
Would you know if that has been studied, and if there are some references?​

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  • #2
maajdl said:
... a model where all spins interact with each other in exactly the same way.

What does that mean? The coupling strength with the nearest neighbor is identical to nearest neighbor, to the next nearest neighbor, to the next-next nearest neighbor, etc... etc? This doesn't sound physically reasonable, does it?

  • #3
You are right: this seems not physically reasonable.
This idea came to me 30 years ago, by pure curiosity.
However, it could be that such models have been considered in quantum information theory.
  • #4
maajdl said:
You are right: this seems not physically reasonable.
This idea came to me 30 years ago, by pure curiosity.
However, it could be that such models have been considered in quantum information theory.

One can consider ANY toy model that one wants, but the question is, is it physically reasonable? As I've often asked my grad students whenever they think that they want to pursue a line of inquiry, it may be interesting, but is it important?

  • #5
I believe this tends to be called the "Ising model on a complete graph". See chapter 3 in these Since the atomic orbitals tend to be quite localized (few papers even consider next next nearest neighbor interactions) this case tends to be more popular in mathematics (judging by those lecture notes, communication and computer science may have found some applications too).
  • #6
Thanks Hypersphere!
  • #7
There are systems that behave approximately in this way:

Consider a localized (e.g. bound to a defect) electron in a solid whose wavefunction stretches out over many lattice sites. Assume each nucleus (lattice site) has nonzero spin. Now each nuclear spin couples to the spin of the electron (by Fermi contact interaction), with strength proportional to the wavefunction overlap. Hence each pair of nuclear spins experiences a coupling (mediated by the electron spin).
The nuclear-nuclear spin coupling is then proportional to the product of the wavefunction overlap (with the electron) of both nuclei. This yields a long range exchange interaction between nuclear spins.

This situation arises e.g. in semiconductor quantum dots. The model in this particular case is called 'central spin model', you can search for this and find plenty of references.

Also the RKKY interaction describes a similar type of long range coupling, in this case it is coupling between nuclear spins mediated by conduction electrons.
  • #8
I have read a book -- statistical mechanics(writen by Tsung-Dao Lee ,1957 Nobel prize)in Chinese(but as I know this book have English edition),he say consider the next neighbor in 1D Ising model can be claculated by matrix method,even a short discussion ,we can know that there should someone else have study that
  • #9
I strongly disagree that the model is irrelevant because it is unphysical (though some have given examples of when it may be physically relevant). The model described is an incredibly important, well-known model system, sometimes known as the "infinite range" Ising model. It is important from a fundamental point of view in statistical mechanics, because it can be solved exactly and the solution is equivalent to that obtained by mean-field theory. Analysis of the model can provide crucial insights into the applicability and success of mean-field solutions of more "physical" model Hamiltonians, in particular related to the idea that mean-field theory becomes exact in infinite dimensions.

FAQ: Ising model, same interaction with all spins

1. What is the Ising model?

The Ising model is a mathematical model used to describe the behavior of interacting particles on a lattice. It was first proposed by physicist Ernst Ising in 1925 as a simplified model for understanding phase transitions in magnetism.

2. How does the Ising model work?

In the Ising model, each particle or "spin" can have one of two states - up or down. The spins interact with each other and tend to align, resulting in a net magnetic moment. The model uses statistical mechanics to calculate the probabilities of different spin configurations.

3. What is meant by "same interaction with all spins" in the Ising model?

This means that all spins in the system interact with each other in the same way, regardless of their position on the lattice. In other words, the interaction between two spins does not depend on their distance from each other.

4. What are some real-world applications of the Ising model?

The Ising model has been used to study a wide range of phenomena, including magnetism, ferromagnetism, and phase transitions in various materials. It has also been applied to social and economic systems, such as modeling the spread of opinions or behaviors in a population.

5. Is the Ising model an accurate representation of real systems?

While the Ising model is a simplified model and does not capture all the complexities of real systems, it has been proven to be a useful tool for understanding and predicting the behavior of many physical and social systems. It can also be extended to incorporate more realistic interactions and features.

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