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I'm working through this script and I'm not sure if if there is a mistake at one point, or if I'm just thinking wrong.
To prove this, the group [itex]Sp(n+1) = \{A \in M(n+1, \mathbb H) | A^*A = I\}[/itex] is used. Its elements operate linearly and isometrically on [itex]\mathbb{S}^{4n+3}[/itex] and therefore induce isometries on [itex]\mathbb{HP}^n[/itex].
The proof starts by first defining two unit vectors [itex]v, w \in T_p \mathbb S^{4n+3}, p := (1, 0, ..., 0) \in \mathbb H^{n+1}.[/itex]. Now it says: "It suffices to find [itex]A \in Sp(n+1)[/itex] with [itex]A_*v = A_*w[/itex]."
Is this correct? Doesn't it have to say [itex]A_*v = w[/itex]? Wouldn't [itex]A_*v = A_*w[/itex] imply that [itex]v = w[/itex] since all matrices in the symplectic group are invertible?
[By the way, it goes on: "If we regard v, w as vectors in [itex]H^{n+1}[/itex] this problem is equivalent to: There is [itex]A \in Sp(n+1), Ap = p, Av = w[/itex]. Maybe this helps."]
I'm working through this script and I'm not sure if if there is a mistake at one point, or if I'm just thinking wrong.
It is to be shown that for every two unit vectors [itex]v, w \in T \mathbb{HP}^n[/itex] there exists an isometric diffeomorphism [itex]\iota: \mathbb{HP}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{HP}^n[/itex] with [itex]\iota_*(v) = w, (\mathbb{HP}^n = \mathbb S^{4n+3}/S^3)[/itex].
To prove this, the group [itex]Sp(n+1) = \{A \in M(n+1, \mathbb H) | A^*A = I\}[/itex] is used. Its elements operate linearly and isometrically on [itex]\mathbb{S}^{4n+3}[/itex] and therefore induce isometries on [itex]\mathbb{HP}^n[/itex].
The proof starts by first defining two unit vectors [itex]v, w \in T_p \mathbb S^{4n+3}, p := (1, 0, ..., 0) \in \mathbb H^{n+1}.[/itex]. Now it says: "It suffices to find [itex]A \in Sp(n+1)[/itex] with [itex]A_*v = A_*w[/itex]."
Is this correct? Doesn't it have to say [itex]A_*v = w[/itex]? Wouldn't [itex]A_*v = A_*w[/itex] imply that [itex]v = w[/itex] since all matrices in the symplectic group are invertible?
[By the way, it goes on: "If we regard v, w as vectors in [itex]H^{n+1}[/itex] this problem is equivalent to: There is [itex]A \in Sp(n+1), Ap = p, Av = w[/itex]. Maybe this helps."]
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