Isometric diffeomorphism on HPn/S^4n+3

In summary, the author is working on a proof that for every two unit vectors v, w in T_p \mathbb S^{4n+3} there exists an isometric diffeomorphism \iota: \mathbb{HP}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{HP}^n with \iota_*(v) = w. To prove this, the group Sp(n+1) = \{A \in M(n+1, \mathbb H) | A^*A = I\} is used. Its elements operate linearly and isometrically on \mathbb{S}^{4n+3} and therefore induce isometries on \math
  • #1

I'm working through this script and I'm not sure if if there is a mistake at one point, or if I'm just thinking wrong.

It is to be shown that for every two unit vectors [itex]v, w \in T \mathbb{HP}^n[/itex] there exists an isometric diffeomorphism [itex]\iota: \mathbb{HP}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{HP}^n[/itex] with [itex]\iota_*(v) = w, (\mathbb{HP}^n = \mathbb S^{4n+3}/S^3)[/itex].

To prove this, the group [itex]Sp(n+1) = \{A \in M(n+1, \mathbb H) | A^*A = I\}[/itex] is used. Its elements operate linearly and isometrically on [itex]\mathbb{S}^{4n+3}[/itex] and therefore induce isometries on [itex]\mathbb{HP}^n[/itex].

The proof starts by first defining two unit vectors [itex]v, w \in T_p \mathbb S^{4n+3}, p := (1, 0, ..., 0) \in \mathbb H^{n+1}.[/itex]. Now it says: "It suffices to find [itex]A \in Sp(n+1)[/itex] with [itex]A_*v = A_*w[/itex]."

Is this correct? Doesn't it have to say [itex]A_*v = w[/itex]? Wouldn't [itex]A_*v = A_*w[/itex] imply that [itex]v = w[/itex] since all matrices in the symplectic group are invertible?

[By the way, it goes on: "If we regard v, w as vectors in [itex]H^{n+1}[/itex] this problem is equivalent to: There is [itex]A \in Sp(n+1), Ap = p, Av = w[/itex]. Maybe this helps."]
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  • #2
Seems like a typo to me also.
  • #3
Thank you!
  • #4
I have a small follow up question. I hope it is ok that I post here again, as it is closely related to my first post.

Lateron, the curvature of [itex]\mathbb{CP}^n, \mathbb{HP}^n[/itex] is analyzed, namely:

Let [itex]v \in T_{\bar p}\mathbb{HP}^n[/itex] be a vector of length 1. Then for every [itex]w \in (v\mathbb H)^\perp[/itex]: [itex]R(w, v)v = w[/itex] (plus the identical statement on CPn)

The proof goes as follows: [Because of the statement in my first post,] we can assume [itex]\bar p = pS^3[/itex] for [itex]p = (1, 0, ..., 0), v = \pi_*(J_p(q))[/itex] where [itex]q = (0, 1, 0, ..)[/itex] and [itex]J_p[/itex] the canonical isomorphism, [itex]\pi: \mathbb S^{4n+3} \rightarrow \mathbb H^n[/itex] the Riemannian submersion.

Let [itex]w \in (v\mathbb H)^\perp[/itex]. Then [itex]w = \pi_*(J_p(q'))[/itex] for [itex]q' = (0, 0, q_3', ...)[/itex].

Now it goes on:

Choose [itex]A \in Sp(n+1)[/itex] with [itex]A(p) = p, A(q) = q, A(q') = (0, 0, \lambda, 0, ..., 0), \lambda \in \mathbb R[/itex].

And I don't see why such a matrix A necessarily exists. I mean, because of the statement in my first post, it is clear that there is a matrix A with [itex]A(p) = p, A_*(q) = A(q) = q[/itex]. And because it is an isometric diffeomorphism we still have [itex]A(q') \perp q \Rightarrow A(q') = (0, 0, s_3', s_4', ...)[/itex]. But I don't see how I can necessarily get [itex]A(q') = (0, 0, \lambda, 0, ...)[/itex]
  • #5
Does it work to simply take A to be block diagonal of the form
1 & & & \\
& 1 & & \\
& & \lambda/(q_3')^* & \\
& & & A'
for A' any Sp(n-3) matrix?
  • #6
I don't think this matrix will necessarily be in Sp(n+1). Also, it is not guaranteed that [itex]q_3' \neq 0[/itex].

But I think I know how it works now. Your matrix gave me an idea:

Because [itex]Sp(n-1)[/itex] acts transitively on [itex]\mathbb S_{||q'||}^{4(n-1)-1}[/itex], there is a matrix [itex]A' \in Sp(n-1)[/itex] with [itex]A'(q_3', ..., q'_{n+1}) = (\lambda, 0, ..., 0), \lambda \in \mathbb R[/itex]. (Then [itex]|\lambda| = ||q'||[/itex].)

Then I can just take [itex]A(v_1, ..., v_{n+1}) := (v_1, v_2, A'(v_3, ..., v_{n+1}))[/itex]. This should be in [itex]Sp(n+1)[/itex] and have the desired properties :)

Thank you for your help!
  • #7
This certainly does the trick. Good job!

FAQ: Isometric diffeomorphism on HPn/S^4n+3

What is an isometric diffeomorphism?

An isometric diffeomorphism is a transformation that preserves distances and angles between points in a space. In other words, it is a mapping that maintains the same shape and size of an object or space.

What is HPn/S^4n+3?

HPn/S^4n+3 is a mathematical space that is a combination of two other spaces: the complex projective space (HPn) and the four-dimensional sphere (S^4n+3). This space is often used in the study of isometric diffeomorphisms.

What is the significance of studying isometric diffeomorphisms on HPn/S^4n+3?

Studying isometric diffeomorphisms on HPn/S^4n+3 can provide insights into the underlying geometry and structure of this space. It can also help in understanding the behavior and properties of isometric transformations in general.

What are some real-world applications of isometric diffeomorphisms?

Isometric diffeomorphisms have various applications in fields such as computer graphics, medical imaging, and robotics. They can be used to map and transform objects or images in a way that preserves their shape and size.

Are there any ongoing research or developments in the study of isometric diffeomorphisms on HPn/S^4n+3?

Yes, there is ongoing research in this area, particularly in understanding the behavior of isometric diffeomorphisms on more complex spaces and developing algorithms to efficiently compute and apply these transformations.

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