Johnson and Shot Noise at 20*C with 9V Battery and 100Kohm Resistor

In summary, a 9V battery with negligible internal resistance is connected to a 100Kohm resistor. At a temperature of 20*C and a measurement bandwidth of 10KHz, the values of Johnson and shot noise can be calculated using Vrms = [4KTRB]^1/2 and Irms = [2eIB]^1/2 respectively. The temperature at which the Johnson and shot noise contributions to the noise voltage across the resistor become equal is assumed to be independent of temperature.
  • #1
A battery of emf 9V, and negligible internal resistance, has a 100Kohm resistor connected across its terminals. What are the values of johnson and shot noise at a temperature of 20*C if the measurement bandwidth is 10KHz?

At what temperature would the johnson and shot noise contributions to the noise voltage across the resistor become equal? [ assume that the resistor is independent of temperature]

Will put up my attempts later! any help would be good.
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  • #2
Ok can find johnson noise by Vrms = [4KTRB]^1/2 where k is boltzman constant, T is temperature R is resistance and B is bandwidth.

Show noise found by Irms = [2eIB]^1/2 so I am presuming shot noise is independent of temperature?
  • #3