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Hi I originally posted this at yahoo ans but I guess I may get ans. from professionals here.
source yahoo ans:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/i...Pzw6GfYazKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20100207115304AA4Du5mThis question is troubling me since lot of days, actually week. It is very difficult to find the answer as the current general ans to this is dificult to accept.
What is the capacity of memory? This is only in regard to memory that you intentionally remember, eg. facts. People using different memory techniques will be able to remember different amounts of facts. If they fail to recall some facts it will be due to problems in the 'process of memory used'. Like one person who uses visual mnenomic techniques may remember huge really huge amounts of facts due to his techniques, eg. Simonides. , while some common man who may just repeat sentences to remember them will obviously remember less facts.
My logic feels that memory capacity is limited to the use of the memory technique used. For those who know visual mnemonics(this is psychology category so I guess most will know), if you keep depicting facts visually and associating facts with one another in the mind using humour or interesting logic, then you can confidently recall the facts. You will keep remembering information UNTILL you stop depicting and associating properly.
It is believed by scientists that memory is limited.
If you keep associating and depicting visually and you know you can recall the information, how can there be a point where you could remember more using the memory technique you know BUT have to Stop remebering BECAUSE there will be no space left in the brain? Also, what can possibly happen at that point.
PS: Please don't tell me that anyway even great people have used only 10% of memory as it does not seem a satisfying ans to this question.
And I really need ans to this question, I d love. professionals' opinions also.
Thank you,