Model parameter distributions from Gamma distributed data

In summary, the conversation discusses a set of data points that are fitted with a power law model. The probability distributions for the fit parameters, a and b, are desired. The only known method is to simulate data sets and create the distributions manually. The objective function used is the maximum likelihood estimate based on independent variates, and the four data points are independent. It is suggested to use a generalized linear model instead of a least squares fit, but the distribution of b may not have an explicit formula. Another suggestion is to try inverting the characteristic function.
  • #1
I have a set of data points {xi,yi} where each yi is a Gamma distributed variable where both the shape k and scale [itex]\theta[/itex] depend on i.

I then fit the data points with a power law model y=a(x)b.

I would like to know the probability distributions for the fit parameters a and b.

Is there an analytical approach for this problem? The only method I can think of is to simulate a bunch of data sets and manually build the distributions of a and b, at which point I could fit the distributions.
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  • #2
What objective function did you use? How many points, and are they independent? There's a general theorem that says that maximum likelihood estimates based on independent variates are asymptotically normal.

Other than that, I would be surprised if there's anything substantially better than the Monte Carlo approach you mention.
  • #3
By taking the log of each side ln(y)=b ln(x)+ln(a), than an ordinary least square fit can be used I think.

There are four data points and they are independent. To give you an idea of what I'm dealing with, the last point {x4,y4}, is distributed with a Gamma function with a shape parameter k=1, meaning that it's exponential, whereas for {x1,y1}, the Gamma distribution is closer to normal. I also know that shape and scale parameters vary with i in such a way that the mean scales linearly with i. This means that on average, the four data points are linear and b[itex]\approx[/itex]1. However, I believe that the distribution of b is non-normal, given the strong asymmetry in how some of the data points are distributed. Hopefully this makes sense.

I've used the Monte Carlo approach and found that distribution of b has a mean value of [itex]\approx[/itex]1, but it is very asymmetric. I was hoping that there was some analytical technique to determine the functional form of the distribution of b.
  • #4
Oh, only four points. Yeah, the asymptotic properties aren't going to be much help.

Well, I'm going to tentatively suggest, instead of a least squares fit, you look at a" . Common stats packages will do this, there's some analytical backing (but don't ask me about it -- I'm ignorant, you'll have to read up), and it will allow you to deal explicitly with the fact that you have gamma-distributed data.

Mucho gusto.
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  • #5
Thanks for the suggestion. I looked a little at generalized linear models because it allows for the dependent variables to be generated from any distribution of the exponential family. But I'm also ignorant, so I haven't figured out how to use it yet.

Thanks again.
  • #6
I actually have done GLM fits. Mathematica, R, and SPSS all have GLM fit functions -- I just used them (Mathematica to be precise). For my application, it was simple and worked very well -- much better than a least squares fit.
  • #7
If using linear regression the explicit formula would be

a = exp(B-AC/D)
b = C/D

where A=E[log(X)], B=E[log(Y)], C=E[log(X)log(Y)]-AB, D=E[log(X)^2]-A^2 where the E[...] is the sample mean, so I'd be surprised if there is an explicit formula for the distribution.

Edit: if the Xj are fixed then effectively log(a) and b are linear combinations of the log(Yj), so perhaps you could try inverting the characteristic function, which can be written in terms of

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