Modeling Electrons: Non-Interacting vs. Coloumbic Interactions

In summary, non-interacting electrons are treated as independent particles, while Coloumbic interactions take into account the electrostatic forces between electrons and the nucleus. Both models affect the energy levels of electrons, with non-interacting models resulting in discrete energy levels and Coloumbic interactions leading to a more complex energy spectrum. While both models can be used to model electrons in any system, Coloumbic interactions are necessary for more complex systems. The inclusion of Coloumbic interactions can greatly improve the accuracy of a model, but other factors such as spin interactions, magnetic fields, and relativistic effects may also need to be considered in certain systems.
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What is the justification behind these models to assume electrons as non-interacting? Because it is clearly not the case when considering coloumbic interactions.
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Nevermind I understand now.
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The models for modeling electrons as non-interacting or including Coloumbic interactions are based on simplifying assumptions in order to better understand and predict the behavior of electrons in different systems.

The non-interacting model assumes that the behavior of each electron is independent of the others and that they do not interact with each other. This model is often used in simple systems where the interactions between electrons are negligible, such as in the study of individual atoms or molecules. This assumption allows for easier calculations and predictions of electron behavior.

On the other hand, the Coloumbic interaction model takes into account the repulsive and attractive forces between electrons due to their charges. This model is more accurate in describing the behavior of electrons in more complex systems, such as in solids or molecules with multiple atoms. However, the calculations and predictions using this model can be more complex and may require advanced mathematical techniques.

The justification for using these models lies in the fact that electrons are extremely small particles with a negative charge, and their interactions can be difficult to observe and measure directly. Therefore, these models serve as useful approximations to understand the behavior of electrons in different systems.

It is important to note that both models have their limitations and are used in different contexts depending on the system being studied. Scientists must carefully consider the assumptions and limitations of these models in order to make accurate predictions and interpretations of their results.