Molar binding energy of uranium-235 nuclei

  • #1

Homework Statement

What is the molar binding energy of uranium 235 nuclei?
Givem: The mass of 1 uranium nuecli is 235.0439u

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

mass of nucleons: m=92P+143n=236.90814u

mass of nucleus: m=234.99343u


=2.8778x10^-10 J/nucleus (6.02x10^23 nuclei/mole)(1kJ/1000J)
=1.7324x10^11 kJ/mol

Is my answer correct? Also did I name the nucleons/nucleus correctly? I'm not sure if I should have called them what I called them since the nucleons are the nucleus technically.
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  • #2
Nucleon is a collective name for the neutron and the proton. These are the two constituents of the atomic nucleus.
I did not check your numbers, but the method looks correct, except you left out the Avogadro's number in the first line.

  • #3
ehild said:
Nucleon is a collective name for the neutron and the proton. These are the two constituents of the atomic nucleus.
I did not check your numbers, but the method looks correct, except you left out the Avogadro's number in the first line.


So what should I change the names to?

And why do I need Avogadro's number in the first line?
  • #4
deezer said:
So what should I change the names to?

And why do I need Avogadro's number in the first line?


You used the correct name for protons and neutrons. They are nucleons.
I quoted your first line for Emolar but it was the binding energy of one nucleus.

  • #5
ehild said:
You used the correct name for protons and neutrons. They are nucleons.
I quoted your first line for Emolar but it was the binding energy of one nucleus.


It is molar, I converted it to kJ/mol.