Monte Carlo simulation, rejection algorithm

  • #1
Homework Statement
Monte Carlo simulation, rejection algorithm
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I'm working on this Monte Carlo simulation problem for radiation propagation.
So far I think I have accomplished creating a histogram of simulated values (iii). Now I need to plot it against the exact PDF. I need to find the normalized PDF, but can't obtain the normalization constant, and so on. Or maybe it is working but my histogram is incorrect?
Screenshot 2024-12-22 234933.png

Screenshot 2024-12-22 235331.png

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def p_kappa_e(kappa_e, kappa):
    Computes the value of the unnormalized probability density function p(kappa_c).
    kappa_c : float or np.ndarray
        The value of kappa_c (can be scalar or array).
    kappa : float
        The parameter kappa.
    float or np.ndarray
        The value of p(kappa_c).
    if np.any(kappa_e >= kappa):  # Prevent invalid values for array or scalar input
        raise ValueError("kappa_e must be less than kappa for all values.")

    term1 = 2
    term2 = kappa_e / (kappa * (kappa - kappa_e))
    term3 = (kappa_e / (kappa * (kappa - kappa_e))) + (kappa_e - 2)
    return term1 + term2 * term3

def kappa_e_max(kappa):
    Computes the value of kappa_e,max.

    kappa : float
        The value of kappa.

        The value of kappa_e,max.
    return (2 * kappa**2) / (1 + 2 * kappa)

def p_kappa_e_max(kappa_e_max):
    Computes the value of p(kappa_e_max).

    kappa_e_max : float
        The value of kappa_e,max.

        The value of p(kappa_e_max).
    return 2 + 2 * kappa_e_max

# Main parameters
kappa = 0.2

# Parameters for the integral
a_val = 0
b_val = kappa_e_max(kappa)
c = 2
d = p_kappa_e_max(b_val)

# Multiplicative Congruential Generator (MCG)
def mcg_random(seed, a, m, N):
    X = np.zeros(N)
    X[0] = seed
    for i in range(1, N):
        X[i] = (a * X[i-1]) % m
    return X / m  # Normalize to get numbers in the range [0, 1]

# MCG parameters
seed = 12345    # Seed value for random number generator
a = 7**5        # Multiplier
m = 2**31-1     # Modulus
N = 10**6       # Number of points to sample

# Generate random numbers using MCG
x_mcg = mcg_random(seed, a, m, N) * b_val  # Scale to [a, b]
y_mcg = mcg_random(seed + 1, a, m, N) * (d - c) + c  # Scale to [c, d]

# Rejection sampling: Check how many points lie below the curve p_kappa_c(x)
q_i = y_mcg < p_kappa_e(x_mcg, kappa)  # Vectorized operation

# Extract accepted x values
x_accepted = x_mcg[q_i]

# Create the histogram
bin_edges = np.linspace(0, kappa_e_max(kappa), 101)  # Define bin edges for 30 bins in (-3, +3)
hist, bins = np.histogram(x_accepted, bins=bin_edges, density=True)  # Normalize

# Plot histogram of accepted x values
plt.hist(x_accepted, bins=101, density=True, alpha=0.75, color='blue', edgecolor='black')
plt.title('Histogram of Accepted $\\kappa_c$ Values')

# Calculate mean of q_i
q_mean = np.mean(q_i)
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  • #2
Note 2 hints that the normalizing constant should be ##p_{MC}(0)/2##.
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  • #3
FactChecker said:
Note 2 hints that the normalizing constant should be ##p_{MC}(0)/2##.
Yes, I know that. I am struggling to code for that. Not sure what ##p_{MC}(0)/2##, since it’s not an equation, but a simulated histogram of counts.
And is my code correct so far?

Update: I realised there is something wrong with my histogram, and currently working on it.
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