Probability of spin-flip due to scattering

In summary: The z components of the spins should be ##S_{1z}## and ##S_{2z}##, not ##S_{1+}## and ##S_{2+}##. In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a beam of spin-1/2 particles scattering off of a target with spin-1/2 heavy nuclei. The interaction between the particle and nucleus is given by a potential that couples initial and final spin states. The first part of the problem asks for the differential scattering cross section by averaging over initial spin states and using the expression for scattering cross section in Born approximation. The second part asks for the probability of detecting the scattered particle as flipped compared to its initial spin state, assuming polarizations of
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Homework Statement

A beam of spin-1/2 particles scatters off of a target consisting of spin-1/2 heavy nuclei. The interaction between the particle and nucleus is given by $$V(\vec{ r})= V_0~\delta (\vec{r})~ \vec{S}_1. \vec{S}_2$$

1) Averaging over initial spin states, find the differential scattering cross section.
2) Assuming the incident particles are polarized along ##+\hat{z}## and target nuclei are polarized along ##-\hat{z}##, find the probability that the spins of the incoming will have flipped.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I can do the first part, by constructing the triplet and singlet states and using the expression for scattering cross section in Born approximation and using the fact that the probabilities of triplet and singlet are 3/4 and 1/4.

I can begin by writing ##\vec{S}_1 . \vec{S}_2=S_{1z}S_{2z}+\frac{1}{2} S_{1+}S_{2-}+S_{1-}S_{2+}##. So, the potential couples the initial ##|\uparrow_{1}>|\downarrow_{2}>## state and the final ## |\downarrow_{1}>|\uparrow_{2}>## state.

For the probability I thought of using Fermi's Golden rule for the rate of transition and from there the probability. But, the whole setup of the scattering problem is essentially time independent, so this makes a bit hesitant. How do I go about it?
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I read the problem as asking to compare the probability of detecting the scattered particle as flipped with that of detecting it in its initial spin state.

devd said:
I can begin by writing ##\vec{S}_1 . \vec{S}_2=S_{1z}S_{2z}+\frac{1}{2} S_{1+}S_{2-}+S_{1-}S_{2+}##.
There is a little mistake here.

FAQ: Probability of spin-flip due to scattering

What is the probability of spin-flip due to scattering?

The probability of a spin-flip due to scattering depends on several factors, including the type of scattering process, the energy of the particles involved, and the properties of the scattering medium. In general, the probability is small, but it can increase in certain conditions.

How does the spin of a particle affect its probability of spin-flip due to scattering?

The spin of a particle plays a crucial role in determining the probability of spin-flip due to scattering. Particles with half-integer spin, such as electrons, can undergo spin-flip more easily compared to particles with integer spin, such as photons. This is because half-integer spin particles have more possible spin states, making it easier for them to flip their spin during scattering.

Does the scattering angle affect the probability of spin-flip?

Yes, the scattering angle can affect the probability of spin-flip. In some cases, the probability of spin-flip increases as the scattering angle increases. This is because larger scattering angles can lead to a more significant change in momentum and energy, increasing the likelihood of spin-flip.

Can the probability of spin-flip due to scattering be controlled?

In most cases, the probability of spin-flip due to scattering is not controllable. It is determined by the properties of the particles and the scattering medium. However, in some cases, external factors such as magnetic fields can influence the probability of spin-flip.

How is the probability of spin-flip due to scattering calculated?

The calculation of the probability of spin-flip due to scattering can be complex and depends on the specific scattering process. In general, it involves considering the initial and final spin states of the particles, the properties of the scattering medium, and the interaction between the particles and the medium. Advanced mathematical models and simulations are often used to calculate this probability.
