Purification of a Density Matrix

In summary, the conversation is discussing the purification of a density matrix, specifically one expressed as $$\rho=\cos^2\theta \ket{0}\bra{0} + \frac{\sin^2\theta}{2} \left(\ket{1}\bra{1} + \ket{2}\bra{2} \right).$$ The individual is unsure of how to purify this mixed state and has consulted literature on the topic, but is still unsure of the process. They mention the concept of tracing and provide resources for further reading on the topic. They also suggest checking if the density matrix is already in a pure state before attempting purification.
  • #1
I'm trying to find the purification of this density matrix
$$\rho=\cos^2\theta \ket{0}\bra{0} + \frac{\sin^2\theta}{2} \left(\ket{1}\bra{1} + \ket{2}\bra{2} \right)

So I think the state (the purification) we're looking for is such Psi that

But I'm not confident this is right because this would involve considering a generic state Psi, multiplying it with its bra and equating the coefficients which is too complicated to be right.

How do you "purify" a mixed state expressed as a density matrix?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
There is a substantial body of literature on this. Have you consulted that literature and if so what conclusions have you drawn?
  • #3
I did and as you pointed out there is a substantial body of literature. I'm a slow reader and an even slower learner. We don't go by any textbook at uni and I have no idea what purification might possibly entail.

After all, we're not tensor-crossing with any other space so tracing one space out of another can't even be applied. What could they possibly mean by "purification"?
  • #5
First of all you should check whether ##\hat{\rho}## is a pure state to begin with. It's a pure state if and only if ##\hat{\rho}^2=\hat{\rho}##!

FAQ: Purification of a Density Matrix

What is a density matrix?

A density matrix is a mathematical representation of a quantum state that encompasses both pure states and mixed states. It is a positive semi-definite, Hermitian matrix that provides a complete description of the statistical state of a quantum system, allowing for the calculation of expectation values and probabilities of measurement outcomes.

Why is purification of a density matrix important?

Purification of a density matrix is important because it allows us to represent mixed states as pure states in a larger Hilbert space. This is crucial for various quantum information tasks, such as quantum computation and quantum communication, where working with pure states simplifies analysis and manipulation of quantum systems.

How is the purification of a density matrix achieved?

The purification of a density matrix can be achieved by finding a pure state in an extended Hilbert space that corresponds to the mixed state. This involves constructing a larger system, often by introducing ancillary qubits, and finding a unitary transformation that maps the mixed state to a pure state, ensuring that the reduced density matrix of the larger system matches the original mixed state.

What are the conditions for a density matrix to be purified?

For a density matrix to be purified, it must be a valid density matrix, meaning it must be positive semi-definite and have a trace of one. Additionally, it must be possible to represent the mixed state as a pure state in a larger Hilbert space, which is always possible for any density matrix due to the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics.

What are some applications of density matrix purification?

Applications of density matrix purification include quantum state tomography, quantum error correction, and quantum cryptography. In these contexts, purification allows for better control and manipulation of quantum states, enabling more efficient algorithms and protocols in quantum computing and secure communication.

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